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Coca-Cola has dominated in Japan for 50 years, no thanks to its signature beverage,


EBINA, JAPAN— Coca-Cola has been the No. 1 beverage maker in Japan for half a century, but it’s not thanks to the popularity of Coke.

Instead, the American soft-drink brand has adapted to the quirky ways this society quenches its thirst.

Coca-Cola’s nearly one million vending machines account for about half of all the vending machines in Japan. Many of them do stock Coke and Coke Zero.

But most of the beverages sold by those state-of-the art machines have nothing to do with the company’s namesake soda.

Among the bigger favourites are Georgia canned coffee, orange-flavoured water and of course, green tea, the traditiona­l drink of choice.

Japan is the Coca-Cola Co.’s second-biggest market after the U.S., raking in more than 1 trillion yen ($11 billion Canadian) in annual sales.

But consumers here aren’t crazy about bubbly drinks like Fanta and Sprite, other perennial U.S. favourites.

Instead, the notoriousl­y fad-loving Japanese flit from one trend to another across an array of weird product offerings, such as soda drinks with odd flavours like smelly durian fruit or garlicky kimchee that mostly are attention-getting products intended for fun.

Though its product offerings don’t go quite that far, Coca-Cola has 850 different beverages in Japan alone, not counting discontinu­ed brands.

Among the most popular is Qoo, a water-drop-shaped forest creature designed to appeal to Japan’s cult of the cute.

“It is so difficult to survive,” Takashi Wasa, senior vice-president at CocaCola Japan, told The Associated Press at the company’s Tokyo headquarte­rs.

The odds of having a hit are “Maybe just three out of a thousand,” he said.

Among 20 Coca-Cola global brands that bring in $1 billion or more in annual sales, four came from Japan: the Georgia coffee lineup; Aquarius, a Gatorade-like drink; I Lohas bottled water and Ayataka green tea.

Other global top-sellers are Coke drinks or were added through acquisitio­ns, such as Minute Maid and Matte Leao.

Matte Leao, an herbal tea extremely popular in Brazil, is an example of adapting to local tastes.

But the company’s Japan operations take that to an extreme, said Raymond Shelton, senior executive officer for Coca-Cola East Japan.

“I have travelled the world for Coca-Cola and I have never seen such a variety of products and such an intensive pace of new launches,” he said.

“Japanese consumers drink across beverage categories each and every day so I would say they have a much broader set of demands,” Shelton said.

Over the past decade or so, green tea has grown into a 777 billion yen ($8.9 billion) packaged beverage market in Japan; many Japanese now prefer tea convenient­ly packaged in plastic bottles, rather than steeped in teapots.

That makes Ayataka, which sells for 140 yen ($1.60) for a half-litre bottle, an important brand for Coca-Cola.

Developed in partnershi­p with 1,600-year-old Kyoto-based tea grower Kanbayashi Shunsho, Ayataka is also sold in Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Ads for Ayataka tea feature a taste test by Kyoto apprentice geishas and Japanese chefs vouching that its flavour is indistingu­ishable from tea from a teapot.

Unlike acidic bottled Coke, green tea requires special precaution­s during bottling to prevent spoilage and preserve its flavour.

Coca-Cola has invested about 40 billion yen ($458 million) since 2014 to double its assembly lines in Japan to nine and accommodat­e such aseptic production.

At Coca-Cola’s plant in Ebina, southwest of Tokyo, bottles and caps are splashed with a decontamin­ating chemical and then rinsed with blasts of water. Bottles filled with tea from giant vats flash by, 900 per minute. They’re inspected, labelled and then boxed in robotic lines: a non-stop parade of bottled teas circling the plant round-the-clock.

Since retailers only stock in-demand products, pressure is high to keep coming up with new products, or at least new adaptation­s.

Coca-Cola’s competitor­s in this teagrowing nation, led by Ito En, a traditiona­l tea maker that pioneered bottled green tea in Japan, were quick to imitate Coca-Cola’s lead in adding powdered tea to its green tea drinks to make them cloudier and more evocative of richer-tasting teas out of a teapot.

Some products are specifical­ly developed as “kawaridane” or “weird items,” just to attract attention, like cucumber-flavoured Pepsi. Or Pepsi Strong 5.0 GV, for “gas volume,” which has extra fizz.

“It’s that extra burp factor,” said Akira Kiga, a spokespers­on for Suntory Beverages & Food, which sells Pepsi in Japan and trails Coca-Cola with No. 2 market share. “We want people to notice and see that we’re a fun brand.”

Still, when it comes to solid earnings, Suntory, like Coca-Cola, is counting on three segments — water, coffee and green tea.

“We do want to work on building strong brands that have staying power,” Kiga said.

Yoshiyasu Okihira, an analyst at SMBC Nikko Securities in Tokyo, estimates that carbonated sodas like Coke and Fanta comprise a fifth of Coca-Cola’s Japan sales, with coffee and tea accounting for 40 per cent.

Coca-Cola’s legions of vending machines, many offering piping hot drinks on chilly days, are a big asset. To capitalize on that advantage, the company is introducin­g smartphone applicatio­ns that award one free drink for every 15 bought on CocaCola vending machines or that send Spotify music playlists depending on the drink purchased.

The Japanese tea products are a strong asset in global markets as people become increasing­ly health conscious.

Japan, with its faster-aging, picky consumers, increasing­ly is leading such trends, Okihira says.

“Roasted barley tea, for example, has global potential, and Americans may really like it,” Okihira said.

Like many Japanese, 50-year-old cab driver Masataka Sakabe drinks a variety of beverages every day, including canned coffee to keep awake on long shifts. But he also loves Coke, especially with greasy food like fried chicken or French fries.

“I love Coke, the red kind, not the diet kind, that original flavour. It makes you feel so refreshed.”

 ?? SHIZUO KAMBAYASHI/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? At Coca-Cola’s plant in Ebina, near Tokyo, bottling green teas requires special precaution­s to prevent spoiling and preserve the flavour.
SHIZUO KAMBAYASHI/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS At Coca-Cola’s plant in Ebina, near Tokyo, bottling green teas requires special precaution­s to prevent spoiling and preserve the flavour.
 ?? YURI KAGEYAMA/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? The Ebina plant makes teas around-the-clock as part of the product variety that Raymond Shelton, right, says he has never seen in his work for Coca-Cola.
YURI KAGEYAMA/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Ebina plant makes teas around-the-clock as part of the product variety that Raymond Shelton, right, says he has never seen in his work for Coca-Cola.

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