Toronto Star

Nurse helps create patient and family-centred hospice

Michelle O’Rourke’s background in nursing and theology makes big difference in design


It’s the little things that can make so much difference to patients as they, along with their families, face their final days, such as a beautiful view, a visit with a family pet and a place for reflection or celebratio­n. These are all things that Michelle O’Rourke knew from her work as a nurse at the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance, as well as her training in theology, would bring peace to people in endof-life care.

O’Rourke, 56, the integrated program co-ordinator between Chatham-Kent Hospice and the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance palliative care and oncology department, has been awarded a 2016 Nightingal­e Award Honourable Mention for her work on the state-of-the-art 10-bed hospice that opened just a month ago.

Every bit of the building bears O’Rourke’s special touch, says Jennifer Wilson, board chair of the Chatham-Kent Hospice and who nominated O’Rourke for the award. “Her DNA is right in the drywall of the building. Everything is centred on the client and the clients’ families.”

Wilson says O’Rourke’s involvemen­t has made a huge difference in the design and that because she’s a front-line nurse, she understand­s the little things. “She’s folded that into a very spiritual and client-centred place — that’s Michelle all the way. That’s how she lives her life.”

For the past two years, O’Rourke attended every constructi­on meeting and worked closely with the architect to put together the perfect hospice. She says, “Because there was a nurse in the building with the constructi­on guys for a whole year, I’d say ‘I need a plug here.’ We worked closely. By being able to be so involved in the project and having a clinical background, it made a difference.”

Residents’ rooms have hospitalgr­ade beds with air mattresses, alarms and concealed overhead lifts (that can accommodat­e people weighing more than 250 pounds).

Each room has a smart TV set up so residents can Skype with long-distance loved ones. Fireplaces are raised so they can be seen from a bed.

There’s also lounge seating with direct views of the landscaped courtyards and private gardens. Light switches are at the head of the bed.

There are also custom sofa and recliner chairs in which loved ones can sleep. In addition to rooms that take patients’ comforts into account, there are also two special additions to the facility — a reflection room and a courtyard for celebratio­ns.

O’Rourke is modest about her involvemen­t, saying she has no background in design but loves it.

“Nurses have so many skills that they take into other environmen­ts. Because I have a clinical background, along with my background in spirituali­ty and theology, there are so many things such a nurse can bring to this project.”

A native of Chatham, O’Rourke received her nursing degree from Fanshawe College and has worked at the Chatham-Kent Alliance for more than 30 years. The married mother of four says nursing runs in the family, with both her mother and son involved in it, too.

Most of O’Rourke’s work has been in critical care and emergency, but her interest in palliative care came after she worked on her master’s degree in theology and as a lay minister. She’s written two books, Befriendin­g Death and Embracing the End of Life.

That work also gave rise to the hospice’s reflection room. When designing the room, she spoke with people from the Muslim, First Nations and Christian communitie­s.

“We’ve tried to design for people — no matter what their tradition or culture, or even if they’re not in a faithbased tradition, it’s a quiet place they can just come into and sit, think, write, cry or pray — whatever people may need to do.”

O’Rourke has also made space for much happiness, as well — the courtyard. Because everyone at the hospice knows every day is precious, O’Rourke says they hold a lot of parties. “There are weddings, christenin­gs, anniversar­ies, birthday parties, Christmas in July — whatever that person wishes for or needs, we try to do it. It’s all about living those last days well.”

O’Rourke has also ensured there’s a special time at the very end of life.

“We have a beautiful honour quilt we put on the body when they’re ready to leave, then we go into the reflection room — the staff and fami- ly — and light a floating candle in the reflecting pool as this person is leaving. Volunteers and staff form an honour guard and escort the family and the resident to the front door until the funeral care leaves. It’s a beautiful procession and it’s a real way of celebratin­g that person’s life.”

Says Wilson, “A good death is a good echo that goes on and on and becomes sort of a person’s life story. Michelle gets that. She’s very much a mother hen with her staff and volunteers, the very essence of what a compassion­ate nurse does. It’s beyond physical; it’s emotional, psychologi­cal and spiritual.”

“There are weddings, christenin­gs, anniversar­ies, birthday parties, Christmas in July — whatever that person wishes for or needs, we try to do it. It’s all about living those last days well.” MICHELLE O’ROURKE

 ?? GEOFF ROBINS PHOTOS FOR THE TORONTO STAR ?? Michelle O’Rourke has been awarded a 2016 Nightingal­e Award honourable mention for her work on the state-of-the-art 10-bed hospice that opened just a month ago in Chatham.
GEOFF ROBINS PHOTOS FOR THE TORONTO STAR Michelle O’Rourke has been awarded a 2016 Nightingal­e Award honourable mention for her work on the state-of-the-art 10-bed hospice that opened just a month ago in Chatham.
 ??  ?? Michelle O’Rourke’s involvemen­t in the Chatham hospice has made a huge difference in the design because she’s a front-line nurse, says Jennifer Wilson, board chair of the Chatham-Kent Hospice.
Michelle O’Rourke’s involvemen­t in the Chatham hospice has made a huge difference in the design because she’s a front-line nurse, says Jennifer Wilson, board chair of the Chatham-Kent Hospice.

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