Toronto Star

Meat-cancer link a complicate­d one


Re A valid meat message, slightly overcooked, Nov. 1 The journalist­ic frenzy about the link between colon cancer and red meat must be taken with a grain of salt even though cured meats high in salt content may be a contributi­ng factor.

The etiology of colon cancer is multifacto­rial. Frequent consumptio­n of fatty, chemically processed red meat is known to promote colorectal neoplasia (a term referring to “new growth” that includes the sequence of benign polyps evolving into cancer). However, red meat is not the only culprit.

There has to be balance in the argument and wisdom in the conclusion­s. Causes for colorectal cancer include: genetic predisposi­tion; family history of specific cancers; an individual’s history of previous polyps or long-standing inflammato­ry bowel disease; environmen­tal factors such as cigarette smoking, alcohol consumptio­n; and excessive weight.

Obesity, often a feature of individual­s who indulge in processed meat diets, drives a number of cancers through hormonal influence on cancer cell proliferat­ion. A regular diet high in animal fat, low in vegetables, fruits and vitamin D products, increases the risk for colon cancer, but is not the sole cause.

The risks for colon cancer associated with a high-fat, red-meat diet include cooking temperatur­e of the meat (high temperatur­es may generate procarcino­gens); iron content from blood in meat; and bacterial flora in a person’s GI tract may produce nitroso compounds from meat that stimulate cancer growth. Weight gain and obesity from eating baked potatoes filled with butter and sour cream along with the steak are perhaps greater risks for developmen­t of colon cancer and other malignanci­es, than enjoyment of wellcooked, lean, high-quality Canadian beef, with a side of Ontario vegetables.

The best way to prevent colon cancer is a screening colonoscop­y. Looking for and removing benign polyps with colonoscop­y prevents the evolution of colon cancer — no matter what you eat. Dr. Lawrence B. Cohen, gastroente­rologist, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

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