Toronto Star

Helping out immigrant nurses will be ‘win-win’

An investment in bridging programs yields 9-fold return, Conference Board study finds


As baby boomers age, Canada faces a looming health-care crunch that will be exacerbate­d by a projected shortage of tens of thousands of nurses.

That makes it more important than ever for Canada to help foreigntra­ined nurses qualify to practise here, according to a Conference Board of Canada study.

Each dollar invested by Ottawa and provincial government­s in helping registered nurses acquire Canadian licences generates $9 in future income tax revenue — a nine-fold return, according to the study — not to mention their contributi­ons to the care of the country’s rapidly aging population.

With seniors outnumberi­ng children for the first time ever, according to new Statistics Canada figures, and a projected shortage of 60,000 nurses by 2022, investing in bridging programs makes immense sense, experts say.

“This is a win-win for Canada and the internatio­nally educated nurses (IEN),” said Michael Bloom, the conference board’s vice-president in charge of industry and business strategy. “The concept of investing in career-bridging programs is good and sound. It yields returns.”

According to the study, more than half of immigrants with health profession­al background­s have trouble getting their foreign credential­s recognized in Canada, compared to just 40 per cent in other regulated profession­s.

In 2011, only 54 per cent of foreignbor­n and educated nurses had a job that matched their education in Ontario, with unemployme­nt rates among foreign-trained registered nurses at 6 per cent and 8.3 per cent among registered practical nurses.

The job match rate also varies by the nurses’ country of origin, with 70 per cent of Irish nurses registered compared to just 25 per cent for their Southeast Asian counterpar­ts.

There are 35 career-bridging programs available for foreign-trained nurses, with 12 based in Ontario. Researcher­s did a cost-benefit analysis based on government funding and projected income tax revenues of the IENs who successful­ly obtained their licences.

They found it costs taxpayers $11,270 to help a foreign-trained nurse get registered in Ontario as an RN or RPN in the best scenario where the applicant needs little support and few courses at a post-secondary institutio­n to upgrade their skills to meet Canadian standards.

A typical case costs about $13,441 while a very complex one can cost as much as $30,400.

The investment may seem huge, but Bloom said Canada would receive an additional $9,135 in income tax revenue from each IEN who obtained RN registrati­on and $4,522 from each one registered as an RPN. (The study said the return for investment in an RPN is three times the cost.)

Internatio­nally educated nurses (IENs) “choose Canada as their home and bring their passion for nursing to this country,” said Joanne Roth, interim executive director of the CARE Centre for Internatio­nally Educated Nurses.

“They also invest their own money in passing exams and returning to practice. It’s in everyone’s interest to help newcomer profession­als succeed.”

Rola Mou-badder moved to Toronto in 2010 from Lebanon after spending a decade in Dubai training nurses there.

With help from the CARE Centre, she was registered as an RN here in 2012.

“There’s no clear pathway to go through the process. There are a lot of things IENs do not know about,” said Mou-badder, who has since returned to teaching in Canada. “Every time an immigrant asks me about getting back into nursing, I tell them please contact CARE.”

Ghanaian-trained RN Jane Kwansah, another CARE graduate, said she was not surprised by the enormous contributi­ons of foreigntra­ined nurses.

“Nurses always refer to their profession as a calling,” said Kwansah, who came here in 2010 and now works as a public health nurse. “Helping them gain recognitio­n for their credential­s and experience, and with bridging any educationa­l gaps, will consistent­ly pay huge dividends in that investment.”

 ?? STEVE RUSSELL/TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO ?? With a big nursing shortage looming and a growing senior population, a Conference Board of Canada study urges more investment in helping foreign-trained nurses with bridging programs so they can practise in Canada.
STEVE RUSSELL/TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO With a big nursing shortage looming and a growing senior population, a Conference Board of Canada study urges more investment in helping foreign-trained nurses with bridging programs so they can practise in Canada.

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