Toronto Star

Cardiologi­sts Should Consult an Eye Doctor

The Proof is in the Pictures

- W. Gifford-Jones, MD

For over two years I’ve been presenting scientific proof that vitamin C and lysine can not only prevent atheroscle­rosis (hardening of arteries), but also reverse this lethal disease. It’s been 65 years since I graduated from The Harvard Medical School and I believe this is the most revolution­ary discovery that has happened since that time.

I realize that some would counter, “What about new operations giving people new hips and knees?” These procedures are great technical achievemen­ts. However, a surgical operation does not cure the arthritis that required the operation. On the other hand, high doses of vitamin C and lysine reverse atheroscle­rosis, the rust inside arteries that robs the organs of oxygenated blood, and triggers so many cardiovasc­ular complicati­ons.

Luckily, thousands of health conscious people have listened to the evidence. They believe the science makes sense. Vitamin C research is backed by the expertise of Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling, as well as New Zealand pathologis­t named Dr. William Stehbens, and English researcher Dr. Sydney Bush. It is Bush who, for the first time in history, has photos to prove this treatment is effective.

Bush took photos of the retina (back part of the eye), then prescribed large doses of vitamin C and lysine. One year later, photos showed that weakened arteries were gradually restored to normal. Increased improvemen­t is seen in later photograph­s.

This is why I believe that cardiologi­sts should consult with their eye doctor if they cannot see the difference between “before and after” photos of a patient’s retinas treated with high doses of vitamin C and lysine. The difference is so obvious that a young child could see the disparity in the retinal photos. And since the head is connected to the body, common sense dictates that these same changes are occurring in coronary and other arteries.

The medical establishm­ent always insists that double blind studies must be carried out using high doses of vitamin C and lysine. But this will never be done as vitamin C and lysine are natural remedies that cannot be patented. So what company will spend tens of millions of dollars doing these studies with no chance of reaping a profit? Besides, double blind studies with one group of volunteers receiving medication and the others getting a placebo leave much to be desired. In fact, the Bush photos are worth more than a thousand double blind statistica­l studies. Photos don’t lie.

Historical­ly, there’s also long convincing evidence that new medical ideas are not easily accepted by doctors. For instance, when Dr. James Linde, a British naval surgeon, showed that lime juice cured scurvy in sailors on long sea voyages, it took 60 more years before this life-saving juice was accepted by the naval bureaucrac­y in London. Another classic example is when Dr. Semmelweis­s, a professor at the University of Vienna, showed that by washing his hands following an autopsy, women in labour could be saved from dying of infection. Yet he was ridiculed by his colleagues, driven off the hospital staff, and died in an insane asylum in Vienna.

Closed minds are still causing trouble in our socalled enlightene­d age. In 2012 Allan Smith, a New Zealand farmer, went fishing. On his return he became acutely ill and laboratory studies confirmed he had contracted the swine flu virus. Smith was given every antibiotic in the book, but became unconsciou­s and eventually required life support. Doctors told the family there was no hope and advised pulling the plug.

A family member had read about Linus Pauling and how large doses of intravenou­s vitamin C could cure viral diseases. But when this was requested, doctors refused, saying it was not part of the protocol to treat swine flu and vitamin C was worthless. It was only when the family arrived at the hospital with a lawyer who bluntly told the doctors that they and the hospital would be sued that intravenou­s vitamin C was given. Faced with this choice doctors administer­ed 500,000 milligrams the first day. This, along with additional vitamin C, resulted in a dramatic recovery. The lungs were cleared of fluid, Allan Smith became conscious and life-support was discontinu­ed. Smith is alive and well.

I bet my own life on vitamin C and lysine following a coronary attack 16 years ago. Doctors recommende­d I go on cholestero­l lowering drugs. Instead, based on the research by Pauling, Stehbens and Bush, I started on high doses of vitamin C and lysine as found in Medi-C

Plus™ – I am glad I did, it saved my life!

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