Toronto Star

AirAsia bodies found in Java Sea

Plane carrying 162 people vanished on Sunday after encounteri­ng storm clouds


DEWI NURCAHYANI AND ROBIN MCDOWELL PANGKALAN BUN, INDONESIA— Bloated bodies and debris seen floating in Indonesian waters Tuesday painfully ended the mystery of AirAsia Flight 8501, which crashed into the Java Sea with 162 people aboard.

The carrier vanished Sunday halfway through a two-hour flight between Surabaya, Indonesia and Singapore after encounteri­ng storm clouds.

On Tuesday, with crews in dozens of planes, helicopter­s and ships looking for the aircraft, searchers discovered what appeared to be a life-jacket and an emergency exit door. Part of the plane’s interior, including an oxygen tank, was brought to the nearest town, Pangkalan Bun, along with a bright blue plastic suitcase that appeared to be in perfect condition.

First Adm. Sigit Setiayanta, Naval Aviation Center commander at Surabaya Air Force base, told reporters six corpses were spotted off Borneo island and about 16 km from the plane’s last known co-ordinates. The bodies and wreckage were found about 160 km from land.

Rescue workers were shown on local TV being lowered on ropes from a hovering helicopter to retrieve bodies. Efforts were hindered by twometre-high waves and strong winds, National Search and Rescue Director SB Supriyadi said, adding that several bodies were later picked up by a navy ship.

Supriyadi said he saw what appeared to be more wreckage under the water, which was clear and a relatively shallow 20 to 30 metres.

Indonesian television showed a half-naked body of a man whose shirt partially covered his head. The images sent a spasm of pain through family members watching together in a waiting room at the Surabaya airport.

Many screamed and wailed uncontroll­ably, breaking down in tears while they squeezed each other. One middle-aged man collapsed and had to be carried out on a stretcher.

Pilots of the jet had been worried about the weather on Sunday and sought permission to climb above threatenin­g clouds, but were denied due to heavy air traffic. Minutes later, the jet was gone from the radar without issuing a distress signal.

Nearly all the passengers and crew are Indonesian­s, who are frequent visitors to Singapore, particular­ly on holidays.

The United States on Tuesday announced it was sending the USS Sampson destroyer, joining at least 30 ships, 15 aircraft and seven helicopter­s in the search for the jet, said Indonesia’s Search and Rescue Agency chief Henry Bambang Soelistyo.


 ?? MANAN VATSYAYANA/AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? Family members of passengers on board missing AirAsia Flight 8501 react after learning bodies were found.
MANAN VATSYAYANA/AFP/GETTY IMAGES Family members of passengers on board missing AirAsia Flight 8501 react after learning bodies were found.

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