Toronto Star

Couple can enjoy baseball


Q: I’ve been casually dating a great guy for six months, we’re both career-driven, in our late-30s. Six weeks ago he discovered that his younger sister has terminal cancer and, sadly, she’s going downhill quickly. He’s incredibly introverte­d and is understand­ably sinking into depression. He’s also taken on the roll of caregiver in their family, taking a leave of absence from work. He’ll tell me a bit about what’s happening but can’t discuss his own feelings other than saying it’s hard to see her this way.

I’ve found the only thing that he’s willing to discuss with me is baseball, so we watch it at my home over dinner and I’ve taken him to every Friday-night home game. I want to be more of a support but I’m not sure how when he’s unable to open up. Concerned A: Baseball’s a metaphor — it’s the only thing that can distract him from the pain of his sister’s condition and its effects on his family without feeling guilty or helpless. By contrast, the game and its mind-consuming statistics, played on the long days and nights of summer, are comforting and familiar to him. His focus on baseball is also a signal that you have something to offer him that you can share — but he’s also signalling that’s all he can offer you, for now.

Stop expecting more from him and from yourself. Casual dating, when two people are spending a lot of time on careers, would normally take longer than six months to develop the level of emotional openness and correspond­ing support that you’re seeking. He’s dealing with a family-wide tragedy, with worse to come when his sister passes. He’s lucky to have your caring and concern. But do not press him for confession­als. This isn’t about how well you’re helping him, or about the quality of your relationsh­ip.

For now, he’s just letting you be on his team, when he can. Accept that it’s a signal of great trust and respect.

Q: I’ve lived a troubling life with drugs, alcohol and abuse in my family. I wanted to ensure I got out of that life, so I got an education and graduated from university with honours. I’m now a teacher overseas and loving it!

I came home to visit and my family keeps trying to drag me into the life I want to forget. Instead of a relaxing vacation, I’m stressed to the max and feel my old depressive self haunting me.

It’s hard to see my family struggle through these problems when I’m living the life I’ve dreamed of. I’ve done everything I could to help myself. Now, how can I help them? Frustrated A: You can’t help them if you don’t keep helping yourself, even on vacation and especially when you’re with your family. Visit only when you feel strong, and leave with a credible excuse when you get uncomforta­ble (without blaming anyone). To help, focus on the younger relatives and be a role model. Share some of your stories, talk about the confidence that your education has given you.


Take your cues about how to be supportive from the person who’s experienci­ng sadness, worry, and grief. Email Ellie chats at noon Wednesdays at elliechat. Follow @ellieadvic­e on twitter.

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