Toronto Star

Does this image of a woman and a bra offend you?

B.C. art student’s photo — meant to ‘humanize’ women who wear the niqab — sparks controvers­y


KAMLOOPS, B.C.— An art student who wears Muslim headdress is defending her right to freedom of expression after a photo she snapped was removed from public display at a British Columbia university.

The large black-and-white print depicts a woman in full Islamic niqab holding a flower-embossed bra while folding laundry.

Sooraya Graham produced the image and presented it earlier this year for a class assignment as part of her fine arts degree at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops.

Not long after it had been hung in the school hallway, she overheard a woman who also wears a head scarf saying she had peeled the artwork off the wall.

That decision inadverten­tly put the photograph into greater public view, and has now generated debate about cultural misconcept­ions, community representa­tion and censorship.

The 24-year-old photograph­er, who grew up in small-town northern B.C. and has been studying at the B.C. Interior school for several years, said the reaction was unexpected.

“I found it really intrusive,” she said of the unilateral move to censor her work.

“There are things I encounter in the world I don’t like or I don’t agree with, but I would never take something down.”

The alleged culprit in the midMarch incident at first refused to return the photo without an agreement it would not be posted again, Graham said. Administra­tors eventually retrieved the photo without any deals. Graham learned the woman had been acting on behalf of several non-fine arts students who had been offended by the image. The university said the woman took the action on her own accord.

“There are things I encounter in the world I don’t like or I don’t agree with, but I would never take something down.” SOORAYA GRAHAM PHOTOGRAPH­ER

Graham said her intention had been to “humanize” women who wear the niqab, which covers a woman’s entire head except for her eyes, by showing one doing a simple act that many women can relate to.

“What I really wanted to do with this image was (create a situation where) maybe some students or some faculty members would walk by and have the chance to have some time alone to stare at the veiled woman,” she said.

“So that maybe one day, when I walked down the hallways or encountere­d them around town, it wouldn’t be such a shock to see me.”

Graham said her own decision to wear Islamic dress is aimed at being modest and garnering respect for her voice over her looks. Her friend, who is pictured in the photo, wears different variations to reflect her own feelings. Graham could only speculate the people who opposed the image felt it might have been mocking their beliefs. Since the incident was made public, an education centre in Kamloops funded by the Saudi Arabian Embassy has gone public with its opposition as well, Graham said. But she has not had her personal character attacked, she said. Ernie Kroeger, the assistant professor who gave the open-ended photo assignment, said his class appreciate­d the work when it was presented and some found it humorous, but didn’t think much more of it. “It was mildly provocativ­e, but in an almost a lightheart­ed way. So no one in the class thought, including me, of it being offensive or controvers­ial,” he said. The silver-lining in the scenario is that it has generated conversati­on and prompted public participat­ion in the artwork, Kroeger said.

 ?? THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? B.C. fine arts student Sooraya Graham, 24, took this photograph of her friend as part of a class assignment, which angered another student.
THE CANADIAN PRESS B.C. fine arts student Sooraya Graham, 24, took this photograph of her friend as part of a class assignment, which angered another student.

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