Times Colonist

Intoxicate­d man rescued after Lynn Canyon cliff jump


A man had to be rescued from Lynn Canyon over the weekend after attempting to cliff jump while intoxicate­d, just a few days after a swimmer died in the same area.

Around 8 p.m. Saturday, District of North Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services members were called to rescue an intoxicate­d man in his 20s, said Deputy Chief Chris Byrom.

“He had attempted to do some cliff jumping after consuming alcohol and he wasn’t doing too well,” he said.

Park rangers were able to successful­ly carry out a rescue and the DNVFRS arrived to find a “very panicked, very apologetic” man, said Byrom.

“The crews on scene did a fantastic job. They got him out of the water and down into a safe place where we were able to come in and assess him, package him and transfer him out.”

The man was sent to hospital for further care.

Saturday had been an especially busy day in the canyon as a result of the weekend’s heat wave. Hot weather often results in a loss of inhibition­s from visitors, said Byrom.

The incident comes just days after a 21-year-old man died after plunging from Lynn Canyon’s Twin Falls.

The swimmer had hit a hidden rock while going over the second falls, submerging him underwater for 20 minutes until he was located and pulled to shore by responders. He was flown to a waiting ambulance, which took him to Vancouver General Hospital. He was later pronounced dead.

Both incidents should serve as reminders of the perils of swimming and cliff diving throughout Lynn Canyon Park, Byrom said, adding that alcohol is “absolutely prohibited” and the popular spot should be “a safe place” for all who visit.

“It’s warm out, and everyone wants to experience that nice, cold, fresh water. It’s a great experience for everyone, but we really just want to stress that there are a lot of dangers in the canyon,” he said. “This is a place where people go to experience these beautiful waters but it is extremely dangerous.”

On Sunday, a man in his 40s required a rope rescue after taking a fall off the trail near Twin Falls.

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