Times Colonist

New hub for mental health and addictions services to open in Colwood late summer

- CINDY E. HARNETT ceharnett@timescolon­ist.com

A new hub for mental-health and addiction services is under constructi­on in Colwood and set to open by summer’s end.

A request for proposals, design and planning began in late 2023, and constructi­on of the 7,000-square-foot pre-fab building at 681 Allandale Rd. in Colwood began early this year.

The total cost is about

$4.9 million for constructi­on improvemen­ts to the location.

The hub is designed to meet a range of mental-health and addiction needs and to offer immediate same-day walk-in or call-in counsellin­g and assessment­s, five days a week, Island Health said.

For those requiring ongoing support, the hub has a care coordinato­r to guide them through the appropriat­e services.

Mary Morrison, Island Health operations manager for mental-health and substanceu­se services in the south Island, said the site will be an access point for people on the West Shore seeking connection with mental-health and substance-use resources.

“We’re offering residents the chance to be heard and seen quickly when they need it,” said Morrison, who offered a tour of the facility to politician­s and stakeholde­rs on Friday afternoon.

She said the goal is immediate access as well as integrated care from Monday to Friday with a potential to expand once it’s up and running “towards the end of this summer.”

Individual­s accessing sameday service will be connected to additional supports and services based on their stated goals and the clinically assessed level of need, she said, adding it’s about trying to get the right service “to the right person in a quick way.”

The hub team includes experts in psychiatry, addiction medicine, nursing, counsellin­g, occupation­al therapy and peer support. It will build on services already offered at other locations.

The clinical space in Colwood includes four consultati­on rooms, seven clinical counsellin­g spaces, one medical exam treatment room, a medication room, two physician offices, a large meeting room and one additional gathering space for special events and other activities.

Mental Health and Addictions Minister Jennifer Whiteside said that with the hub, “we are bringing together mental-health and addiction services, and supporting individual­s and families right where they live.”

 ?? DARREN STONE, TIMES COLONIST ?? Island Health mental health and substance use manager Mary Morrison gives Ravi Parmar, MLA for Langford-Juan de Fuca, and Mitzi Dean, MLA for Esquimalt-Metchosin, a tour of a new facility that’s currently under constructi­on. The facility will provide mental health and substance use services to people on the West Shore.
DARREN STONE, TIMES COLONIST Island Health mental health and substance use manager Mary Morrison gives Ravi Parmar, MLA for Langford-Juan de Fuca, and Mitzi Dean, MLA for Esquimalt-Metchosin, a tour of a new facility that’s currently under constructi­on. The facility will provide mental health and substance use services to people on the West Shore.

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