Times Colonist

Yukon needs more people trained to give shots for booster effort


WHITEHORSE — Plans to ramp up Yukon’s COVID-19 booster campaign are being hindered by a shortage of people to give the shots, the public services minister said Wednesday.

John Streiker said there is an urgent need for vaccinatio­n help as the government works to make the booster accessible across the territory.

“Simply put, we are seeking more immunizers to increase delivery of boosters at our clinics,” he said at a news conference.

The government is looking internally to identify candidates as well as asking retired medical profession­als and volunteers to help.

About 87 per cent of people over the age of five in Yukon have received their first dose of vaccine and 80 per cent have had two shots.

“Our high vaccinatio­n rate has been a critical part of our response to the pandemic and managing the ongoing risk,” Streiker said. “The recent waves would’ve been significan­tly worse if we had lower vaccinatio­n rates.”

Despite concerns of the Omicron variant spreading, chief medical officer of health

Dr. Catherine Elliott said no additional restrictio­ns are being put in place for the holiday season.

“Measures are the heavy hand of the law,” she said. “I would prefer if people choose to do the right thing.”

Elliott said the territory can expect to see a rise in cases as people return for the holidays and she urged travellers to act responsibl­y to prevent the spread of the virus. That includes following public health measures and keeping social circles small, she said.

Health officials will not hesitate to recommend further restrictio­ns if the situation worsens, she said.

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