Times Colonist

Actor takes on new role in medical emergency

- ADRIAN CHAMBERLAI­N achamberla­in@timescolon­ist.com

A Victoria actor did doubleduty by providing a theatregoe­r with emergency medical aid.

The call for a doctor went out during a May 3 performanc­e of Blue Bridge Repertory Theatre’s The Caretaker at the Roxy Theatre.

An audience member had lost consciousn­ess in the first intermissi­on. Actor Lindsay Robinson — who has Level 1 first-aid training and plans to become medical doctor — attended to the middle-aged woman.

“She was exhibiting symptoms that clearly needed medical attention. She was incoherent, she was vomiting, she had a lot of perspirati­on, her pulse was racing,” Robinson said.

The 30-year-old performer heard someone shout for help while he was backstage waiting to go on.

Robinson, who plays the role of Mick in The Caretaker, asked the stage manager if it would be OK for him to help.

Flinging off his character’s black leather jacket, he took the woman’s pulse and asked questions about her condition. Robinson provided this informatio­n to paramedics, who arrived within five to 10 minutes. The woman was transporte­d by ambulance to Royal Jubilee Hospital.

“We all heard she is fully recovered,” Robinson said. “As it turned out, it was a combinatio­n of medication and dehydratio­n.”

Rebekah Johnson, general manager of Blue Bridge Repertory Theatre, said she has spoken to the woman’s husband, who confirmed she is fine.

The emergency delayed the start of Act II by about 20 minutes.

As well as having completed a first-aid course, Robinson has spent four years as a volunteer at Victoria General Hospital’s emergency room.

He’s completing a theatre history degree at the University of Victoria, has passed the Medical College Admission Test and has taken elective courses in chemistry and biology. He plans to apply to medical schools after graduating from UVic next year.

This isn’t the first time Robinson has offered medical help during a theatre performanc­e.

In 2012, he assisted a lighting board operator who suffered a minor stroke during The Drowsy Chaperone at Langham Court Theatre.

Robinson said the interrupti­on to Wednesday’s show didn’t adversely affect his acting. “The three of us [in the cast] locked eyes before we went on … it didn’t throw me in the least,” he said.

The Caretaker continues at the Roxy Theatre through Sunday.

 ??  ?? Lindsay Robinson as Mick in The Caretaker.
Lindsay Robinson as Mick in The Caretaker.

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