Times Colonist

Get inspired at Canada’s biggest celebratio­n of science


Embark on 10 days of discovery and innovation at Science Odyssey, Canada’s largest celebratio­n of science, technology, engineerin­g and mathematic­s, in various communitie­s across Canada, including Victoria, from Friday to May 21.

Science Odyssey brings fun and inspiring experience­s to museums, research centres, laboratori­es and classrooms.

Funded by Natural Sciences and Engineerin­g Research Council of Canada, Science Odyssey demonstrat­es how discoverie­s and innovation­s shape our daily lives — and foster a strong science culture in Canada.

There are three events scheduled for Greater Victoria:

On Friday, tag along with a naturalist through fields of wildflower­s and learn about one of Canada’s rarest landscapes — the Garry oak ecosystem.

Whip up an appetite for burgers while glamping (glamorous camping) near Fort Rodd Hill in a fully equipped oTENTik.

Learn stories from history on an audio tour or do target practice with a replica machine gun.

Pack your earplugs for Firepower, the loudest military history lesson in Canada.

The event is free. It runs 10 a.m. Friday to 5:30 p.m. Sunday at Fort Rodd Hill and Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Sites, 603 Fort Rodd Hill Rd. Details at sciod.ca/event/750.

Other events include an Environmen­tal Education workshop for School District 61 Teachers on May 19 and Connecting Communitie­s through Ocean Education, on May 20.

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