Times Colonist

Chamber Music in the Country


June 4, 11, 18, 25 2:30 p.m. First Unitarian Church, 5575 West Saanich Rd. June 12, 19, 26 7 p.m. Church and State Wines, 1445 Benvenuto Ave., Brentwood Bay Info: 250-413-3134 or www.eksm.ca

E ine Kleine Summer Music, now celebratin­g its 30th anniversar­y, has announced an extra special season of chamber music throughout the month of June.

Rising Star Jan Lisiecki: Solo Recital

The season opener features a rising superstar of the internatio­nal music scene. Victoria audiences first heard pianist Jan Lisiecki in his electrifyi­ng concerto appearance­s with the Victoria Symphony (VS).

Only 22 years old, Lisiecki has already played with many of the world’s greatest orchestras and in the best concert halls. Lisiecki is the only Canadian to have an exclusive recording contract with Deutsche Grammophon. His June 4 solo recital program includes music by Chopin, Schumann, Schubert and Bach. This will be a rare opportunit­y to hear this great artist in an intimate recital setting.

Violinist/violist Barry Schiffman is an icon of Canadian chamber music. He co-founded the St. Lawrence String Quartet – performing, touring and recording with them for 17 years. He then brought his considerab­le talents to the Banff Centre, where he has served as Director of Music Programs and Executive Director of the Banff Internatio­nal String Quartet Competitio­n since 2006. He also serves as Associate Dean and Director of Chamber Music at the Royal Conservato­ry of Music in Toronto.

Vaughan, Williams & Brahms

We are looking forward to an allstrings program with Schiffman on June 11 and 12, including works by Vaughan Williams, Brahms and more.

Due to popular demand, the Muse Ensemble (Terence Tam, violin; Lorraine Min, piano; Kenji Fuse, viola; Laura Backstrom, cello) are preparing to release their second CD. The concerts on June 18/19 will also serve as their CD launch celebratio­n, with performanc­es of Mozart’s E flat Piano Quartet, Elgar’s Violin Sonata in E Minor, a string trio by Jean Sibelius, and more. “Even Ravel could not have imagined the soulful languor and lingering sweetness of Suzanne Lemieux’s tone and musicality. The heart all but stops beating in order to listen.” - Chronicle-Herald, November 2000

Suzanne Lemieux: Mozart + Bach

Suzanne Lemieux is one of Canada’s top-ranking oboists with an impressive career as a soloist, orchestral player and chamber musician.

On June 25 and 26, Lemieux will join Eine Klein Summer Music (EKSM) musicians in a performanc­e of Bach’s celebrated Concerto for Oboe and Violin, and Mozart’s Quartet for

Oboe and Strings. Lorraine Min, Terence Tam and Laura Backstrom will perform Beethoven’s passionate Piano Trio in C minor. Three concerts at the vineyard

Over the past eight years, EKSM has enjoyed a partnershi­p with Muse Winery in Deep Cove. Chamber music in a smaller venue, with a glass of wine and a view of vineyards has become an indispensa­ble facet of the festival.

Although the owners of Muse recently retired and Muse Winery is closed, EKSM will carry on the tradition with three concerts in the spectacula­r venue of Church and State Wines. Located next to the Butterfly Gardens off West Saanich Road, Church and State Vineyards offer an ideal atmosphere for the enjoyment of chamber music, wines and sunset views.

Please note that the winery concerts sell out quickly. Tickets may be ordered by mail (an order form may be found at www.eksm.ca, or call 250413-3134 to reserve a ticket), at www.eksm.ca or in person a the Raincoast Business Centre, 1027 Pandora Ave. in Victoria.

 ??  ?? Terence Tam, violin; Laura Backstrom, cello; Lorraine Min, piano; and Kenji Fuse, viola of Muse Ensemble.
Terence Tam, violin; Laura Backstrom, cello; Lorraine Min, piano; and Kenji Fuse, viola of Muse Ensemble.

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