Times Colonist

Police warn of surprise for Tarantino


NEW YORK — The executive director of the largest police union in the U.S. has threatened a “surprise” for Quentin Tarantino over the film director’s comments about police brutality.

Jim Pasco, of the Fraternal Order of Police, told the Hollywood Reporter the union had something planned for Tarantino, adding: “The element of the surprise is the most important element.”

Pasco said: “The time and place will come up and we’ll try to hurt him the only way that seems to matter to him, and that’s economical­ly.” That could happen any time between now and the première of Tarantino’s latest movie The Hateful Eight, which opens Christmas Day, Pasco said.

Police groups have said they will boycott the film after Tarantino attended an anti-police brutality rally in October, at which he said he was protesting “murder” and was there to demonstrat­e that he was “on the side of the murdered.”

New York Patrolmen’s Benevolent Associatio­n boss Pat Lynch called Tarantino a “cop-hater.” Texas Congressma­n Ted Poe, a Republican, called Tarantino’s comments “idiotic” and said they “encourage mischief and crimes against peace officers.”

Tarantino has defended his remarks and insisted he is not “anti-police.” Appearing on MSBNC this week, Tarantino said by feuding with him, the police are obscuring “the fact that the citizenry has lost trust in [police]. Anybody who acknowledg­es that there’s a problem in law enforcemen­t in this country right now is considered by law enforcemen­t part of the problem,” Tarantino said.

Messages left with Pasco for comment were not returned.

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