Times Colonist

Yoga can take pain out of pedalling

Hunching over handlebars, perched on a small seat, and holding up the head often takes a toll on muscles


Keeping a bicycle balanced and rolling puts stress and strain on the body that riders can prepare for, and recover from, with the right exercises.

As more people use bikes to commute, to exercise and to socialize, they may find themselves with aches and pains that were considered par for the course when riding was occasional but can nag and discourage when it’s counted on as transporta­tion or recreation.

From 2000 to 2013, the number of U.S. bike commuters grew by about 60 per cent, according to the League of American Bicyclists, an advocacy group.

In the decade between 1999 and 2009, the number of bicycle trips jumped from 1.8 billion to four billion per year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Transporta­tion Statistics, which also found in 2012 that the average length of a bicycle trip was slightly more than an hour.

Biking, like running, is good aerobic exercise, said Bob Oppliger, a retired exercise science researcher at the University of Iowa, and it has the advantage of causing less stress on the joints.

“Physical activity in and of itself is good. Biking is particular­ly good for those who are overweight,” Oppliger said, but the static position of cycling can cost the body in lost strength and flexibilit­y.

Hunching over handlebars while perched on a narrow seat, pedalling constantly and holding up the head to watch the road take a toll on muscles from the neck to the feet, the spine and back.

Getting a bike that fits the rider’s frame and range of motion is important, but so is developing habits to restore the body after a strenuous workout and to build endurance for the next one.

Uma Kleppinger, who was a competitiv­e cyclist and now is taking up BMX racing as she’s about to turn 49, believes yoga adapted for the particular repetitive strains of cycling can keep riding fun and healthful.

“I wanted to help cyclists get to the heart of what’s beneficial to them,” said Kleppinger, of Portland, Oregon. Her book BikeYoga offers a number of what she calls “stripped down” poses that if practised consistent­ly can cultivate flexibilit­y and strength.

It’s not yoga “for already bendy women,” she said, though some movements are similar to those in other forms of yoga. The poses are intended to counter the shortening and tightness in muscles and tendons that come with cycling and can cause discomfort, poor posture and shortness of breath.

“You’re sitting while cycling,” she said, “the worst possible position for the human body. Stress gets stored and those areas need to be opened up. The hips, lower back, shoulders and neck — the core strength brings it all together.”

The locust pose, for example, in which the chest and legs are lifted simultaneo­usly, strengthen­s the back and tones the abdomen.

Kleppinger says the sphinx, a kind of back bend with legs outstretch­ed and arms flat with elbows under shoulders, helps keep the spine strong and flexible and boosts the nervous system.

The plank, in which the body is supported on straighten­ed arms and toes, is good for the core, arms and legs. The camel pose, where the body leans backward over bent legs and straight arms with fingers nearly touching toes on the floor, is particular­ly good to counter hunching.

Debbie Russo, who owns NEXT Yoga studio in Wheaton, Illinois, and works with athletes of all ages and abilities, sees yoga as having an overall beneficial effect on the minds of cyclists as well as their bodies.

“Yoga increases strength, flexibilit­y, focus and balance and can prevent injuries,” said Russo, who stumbled into a yoga class about 13 years ago in an ongoing quest to find some way to feel better as she struggled with Crohn’s disease, a chronic inflammati­on of the bowel.

Yoga works to lengthen the hip flexors for more fluid movement in pedalling and to lessen lower back pain, and it stretches the spine to combat rounding of the shoulders and tightness in the neck, she said.

She added that emphasis on deep breathing and meditation helps with focus.

“It calms the central nervous system and lets you laser focus when needed, like when you’re close to another cyclist or about to turn a sharp corner,” Russo said.

Practising yoga “can prevent injury if you know what your body feels like on a good day. That awareness may get you to back off” if the strain from cycling is too intense, she said.

Russo, like Kleppinger, believes the maximum benefit from yoga comes when a ride is over.

A little stretching before is good so the muscles are not too tight, Russo said, but after being hunched over for a period of time, “it’s uber important to lengthen the spine and muscles for future rides.” Kleppinger agrees. She said doing yoga after a ride “makes a whole lot of sense because tissues are flush and saturated and ready to stretch.”

She suggests about 20 minutes of targeted poses after a ride and more general movements any time of day to counter the sedentary nature of many jobs and activities.

The value of stretching is hard to quantify, Oppliger said, but the very nature of cycling causes parts of the body to fatigue.

“It’s probably more a feel-good type of deal. Any way we can think of to reduce stress is valuable,” he said.

 ??  ?? The resting bridge counteract­s the forward hunched-over position of cyclists, and releases neck tension by supporting the weight of the head. It also improves breathing capacity while relaxing and opening chest and shoulders.
The resting bridge counteract­s the forward hunched-over position of cyclists, and releases neck tension by supporting the weight of the head. It also improves breathing capacity while relaxing and opening chest and shoulders.

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