Times Colonist

Apple Watch ticks higher


SAN FRANCISCO — A new report estimates Apple shipped 3.6 million watches in the last quarter — more than some analysts have estimated and enough to change the competitiv­e landscape for fitness bands and other wearable gadgets.

Apple shipped enough units of its new smartwatch to nearly overtake market leader FitBit in the last quarter, according to analysts at Internatio­nal Data Corp. Their report warns that traditiona­l fitness bands may be losing popularity to smartwatch­es and other devices that offer more features.

“People want to get more out of their devices,” said IDC’s Ramon Llamas in an interview. “It’s kind of like the way smartphone­s overtook basic phones.”

Consumer response to the Apple Watch has been the subject of intense speculatio­n since the new gadget went on sale this spring. While Apple is known for making popular gadgets, the watch represents a new category of products for the company. Critics have questioned whether it’s useful enough for consumers to need or want one on their wrist.

Apple has not revealed how many watches it has sold at prices that start at $350, with luxury models selling for $10,000 or more. After the company issued its last financial report, in which Apple lumped watch sales into a broader category it calls “other products,” many analysts estimated Apple sold between two million and three million watches during the quarter that ended in June.

IDC said it starts with Apple’s financial reports, but also gathers data from suppliers, distributo­rs and consumers to estimate the number of units shipped by the company, not actual retail sales. IDC also tracks shipments of personal computers, smartphone­s and other computer products. Its reports on those products, along with estimates from rival research firm Gartner, are widely cited in the industry.

IDC estimates FitBit led the wearable industry by shipping 4.4 million fitness bands in the second quarter. After Apple, IDC said other market leaders include China’s Xiaomi, with 3.1 million units; Garmin, with 700,000 units and Samsung with 600,000 units. IDC estimated 18.1 million wearable gadgets were shipped in the quarter.

 ?? RICHARD DREW, ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Apple CEO Tim Cook has booked a 7,000-seat theatre to make product announceme­nts on Sept. 9, leading to speculatio­n it may be a new iPhone.
RICHARD DREW, ASSOCIATED PRESS Apple CEO Tim Cook has booked a 7,000-seat theatre to make product announceme­nts on Sept. 9, leading to speculatio­n it may be a new iPhone.

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