Thunder Bay Business

OPG reports on 2022 Environmen­t, Social, and Governance performanc­e


Ontario Power Generation (OPG) has released its annual Environmen­tal, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report, updating performanc­e in these key focus areas over the past year.

Since launching its inaugural report last year, the company continued to make steady advancemen­ts in building and refurbishi­ng clean, reliable generation infrastruc­ture to meet a growing economy, as well as becoming more inclusive, diverse, and socially responsibl­e.

Quick facts

Highlights of the report include:

• Launched site preparatio­n work for North America’s first grid-scale Small Modular Reactor;

Continued successful, safe execution of the $12.8-billion Darlington Nuclear Refurbishm­ent project, which remains on time and on budget. A refurbishe­d Darlington will provide 30 plus years of clean power, eliminatin­g almost 300 megatonnes of carbon;

• Continued our turbine/generator overhaul program across our hydroelect­ric fleet;

• Our subsidiary Atura made good progress on its Niagara Hydrogen Centre project – another first for Ontario;

• Delivered $77 million in economic benefits to Indigenous communitie­s and businesses and remain on track for all commitment­s in our Reconcilia­tion Action Plan;

Completed testing to harvest Molybdenum-99 from Darlington Nuclear, a critical isotope in nuclear medicine that is in demand globally;

• Released a report highlighti­ng significan­t untapped hydroelect­ric potential in Ontario’s north;

• Planted more than 340,000 trees, restored over 600 acres of woodlands and 64 acres of grasslands, and created 379 acres of wetlands;

• Contribute­d to postsecond­ary programs to recruit students from historical­ly under-represente­d background­s;

• Recognized as one of Canada’s Best Diversity Employers of 2023; and,

• Provided Equity, Diversity and Inclusion education to employees, including anti-racism training.

The report also demonstrat­es how OPG incorporat­es ESG principles into its corporate strategy, business model, risk management framework, and performanc­e targets, to deliver value to the Province and the communitie­s OPG serves.


“As we work to electrify life in one generation, we will continue to prioritize sustainabi­lity, safety, diversity, and Reconcilia­tion,” said OPG Board Chair, Wendy Kei. “And we will keep striving to be a socially responsibl­e and beneficial neighbour for communitie­s and Indigenous partners across the province.”

“Operating in a sustainabl­e manner, consistent with ESG principles, is fundamenta­l to OPG’s ongoing success, and to ensuring we meet our commitment­s to the environmen­t, to communitie­s, and to the people of Ontario,” said OPG President and CEO Ken Hartwick. “As we lay the groundwork to meet the growing electricit­y demands of a clean economy and help build a more prosperous Ontario, we remain focused on safety, integrity and strengthen­ing relationsh­ips, especially Indigenous partners and host communitie­s.”

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