Thunder Bay Business

Cape Breton Island Golf: Highland Links & Cabot Links


It is always fun to see other parts of Canada! In August, several years ago, I had the opportunit­y to visit Cape Breton Island, primarily to play some golf, but also to see a beautiful part of the world!

Two flights will get you from Thunder Bay to Toronto to Sydney, Nova Scotia in good time. You can easily pick up a rental car and your adventure will begin!

My first stop was the famed Highland Links Golf course consistent­ly ranked in the top ten in Canada. This seaside course is also home to the historic Keltic Lodge Resort & Spa located on one of the most beautiful settings you will ever see. The large white inn was constructe­d in 1950 and features fine dining and beautiful rooms with ocean views.

One of the highlights of Cape Breton Island is the drive you take around the perimeter of the island up some large peaks, overlookin­g pristine ocean. On my trip there were even whales visible in the backdrop that attracts the attention of the many tourists on the road. You will end up travelling through Cheticamp, a historical seaside village where the houses and Main Street are right adjacent to the ocean!

My next destinatio­n was Inverness, Nova Scotia, a former coal mining and fishing village. Inverness had seen quite a bit of economic downturn with the stopping of coal mining and limited fishery. It has seen its population drop to 1500 people. The community leaders had always felt the former coal-mining site, right on the ocean, would be perfect for a true links style golf course and a few years ago their dream was realized with the opening of Cabot Links.

After my rounds at Cabot Links and tour of the new Cabot Cliffs course it was off to Halifax for the return trip to Thunder Bay. My travels allowed me to see much of Nova Scotia. In all my golf travels in Canada and the world the

Cabot Links destinatio­n ranks near the top! It really is a special place you must see.

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