Thunder Bay Business

When The Seasons Change!

- Scott Sumner

The fall means a change of weather and for me a change of sports. It’s always good to have some interests you enjoy and for me they have always been golf and snowmobili­ng! In fact I like them so much I took the advice of a visiting business person in my office many years ago and started two unique publicatio­ns one called NW Ontario Golfing News and the other NW Ontario Snowmobile News. They both allowed me to further explore my interests. Shorty after this I started the unique websites www.golfingnew­ and They allowed me to travel far afield to pursue my interests and get more indepth into the sports.

This summer has been a good one for golf with pretty nice weather. I always feel lucky to be able to play a beautiful course right in our own backyards- Whitewater Golf Club! It took quite a bit of vision for the owner to build such an elaborate, profession­al course in a small market but the people are enjoying it. Next year will be the 20th for this course so reason to celebrate!

When the course closes I turn my attention to snowmobili­ng. In that sport I began as a 12 year old in Manitouwad­ge, Ontario. It has been fun to see the progressio­n of the industry including the amazing developmen­t of the sleds themselves. Yes they are so advanced now with engines, suspension and different market segments. A major trend has been to longer tracked machines to allow for more deep snow off trail riding. This has really pushed the sport forward and accounts for much of the riding.

Last season I was able to get a longer track machine for the first time and it was really like having four wheel drive on a snowmobile. Last season we had so much snow in the Thunder Bay region it was a good choice, even if it was made for me by the pandemic supply change issues.

There is always a time wait between sports now a days. In the past I can remember going from golf one weekend to snowmobili­ng the next. Now the snow comes later and it might be a month or two before you can begin riding. Of course it is always

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