Thunder Bay Business


- (c)2022 Brian Babcock

Give thanks this Thanksgivi­ng. Count your blessings the entire month.

October is a month of change. Summer passes to fall as sure as the leaves flutter down. We don't need Jon Snow to tell us that Winter is Coming.

But we have had enough of the blues.

Time for our hearts to sing with joy (because yes even lawyers have hearts too).

What will carry YOU through this winter ahead, besides warm soup and woolly socks?

What blessings will you count?

A favourite song?

Thoughts of family, perhaps the joy of a shared meal, shared memories, shared laughter?

Are you blessed with good health, maybe due to our wonderful health care (no matter how much we love to complain about it)?

Is it hope and love?

Is it a small act of kindness shown to you by another? If so, pass it along.

Because giving thanks is not about really ourselves. Giving thanks is about appreciati­ng the kindness of others, the love we share, the hope we grow again, even if we suffer pain and sorrow.

What does this have to do with business? Everything and nothing. Because businesses grow on the hopes of entreprene­urs; the love of customers; and the many kindnesses. It also has everything to do with community and sharing. We may look forward to warm soup and woolly socks, but what about those who are without?

It is easy to be complacent. Part of counting our blessings and giving thanks is to remember how much of our wealth, both spiritual and material, depends upon the generosity of others. But as we receive, we should also give as we best can.

Sometime this month take a step out your comfort zone. Give the cost of a lottery ticket to a pan handler without judging how do we spend it. Attend a concert or support a street musician. Donate your time to a worthy cause.

Every small blessing matters. Giving is a blessing.

I hope to spend my day this Thanksgivi­ng thinking about how rich I am. Not in money. Not in property. But rich in love, rich and family, rich in friends, rich in community.

From the Weilers Law families to yours, Happy Thanksgivi­ng (and a safe and cavity free Halloween).

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