The Welland Tribune

Pelham traffic circles getting ‘mixed reviews’


The Town of Pelham is getting “mixed reviews” about temporary traffic-calming measures on Lookout Street.

Late last week, two small roundabout­s with hay were installed on the residentia­l street near Brewerton and Marlene Stewart boulevards.

A recent traffic survey shows that the average speed driven in the neighbourh­ood is 65 km/h. The limit on Lookout Street is 50 km/h.

A news release from the town says a percentile has been calculated, indicating 85 per cent of the drivers observed were driving 85 km/h or less. The average speed determined through the 1,223 vehicles that were a part of the study is 65 km/h.

Another statistic that resulted from the program is that 38 per cent of vehicles on Lookout

Street hit the 89-km/h mark.

Marc MacDonald, public relations and marketing specialist for the municipali­ty, said opinions have been shared on social media about the short-term roundabout­s, which are expected to be removed as early as Monday.

“It’s pleasing some, and others, not so much,” he said in an interview.

Once taken down, data collected will be brought to town council.

James Repovs, the owner of a local lawn-care business, drove through one of the roundabout­s Thursday morning while towing his trailer full of equipment.

Also critical of bollards placed on Haist Street to reduce speeds in 2016, Repovs feels speed bumps or a heightened police presence are ways to address concerns of residents.

The town has taken the position that speed bumps are not the answer on Lookout Street, as they would negatively impact emergency services when responding to calls in the area, which the local resident doesn’t see the reasoning behind.

“They have them all the way down Haist. Do them over here, not this,” he said.

 ?? KRIS DUBE THE WELLAND TRIBUNE ?? A motorist drives through one of two temporary, small roundabout­s on Lookout Street in Pelham.
KRIS DUBE THE WELLAND TRIBUNE A motorist drives through one of two temporary, small roundabout­s on Lookout Street in Pelham.

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