The Weekly Voice

Astro Zindagi: Weekly Horoscope



Your desire to travel and explore new things will be amplified this week. You might be tempted to travel to other places and learn more about other people, their ways of thinking and beliefs. This week can be considered a week of change when you can free yourself from the routine and be open to new opportunit­ies. You may be more optimistic and feel like taking risks more than normal; therefore, the chances of getting exciting opportunit­ies are high if you embrace them. But be careful to avoid overstretc­hing yourself or trying to do too much at once. It is great to be enthusiast­ic and motivated; however, be careful not to get carried away and take on too many projects.

Tip of the week: Avoid overstretc­hing yourself


This week, you may be exposed to tension and face inner conflicts. You may have a higher stress level this week than in the past. You could desire to dive deeper into the less disclosed aspects of life. This is a period of change and thus can be fulfilling but may also involve some feelings of discomfort. These feelings should not be avoided ñ on the contrary, they should be dealt with as they can help you develop and grow. This week may be a good time to find work that involves finance, psychology or research. You may have to negotiate issues concerning the companyís money or organisati­onal assets if you have a job.

Tip of the week: Be open to change


This week is a good time to work on your existing connection­s while possibly establishi­ng new ones. It can also increase empathy, where you are more aware of the feelings and needs of others and, thus, more connected to them. But make sure not to neglect your own needs when you are so busy trying to meet the needs of others. For the Gemini people searching for a job, this is a perfect time to socialise and make connection­s that may lead to employment. If single, you shouldnít be shocked if someone you have known on a friendly basis starts to appear more romantical­ly. You are more outgoing now, and your ability to be a good conversati­onalist will be highly appealing. Tip of the week: Donít neglect your needs


This week is an opportunit­y to be organised and improve your life and daily habits. You may overwhelmi­ngly desire to clean or declutter, create a schedule or to-do list, or exercise more often. This is a good time to begin new positive habits. Your ability to pay attention to detail will be enhanced; therefore, it can help you solve problems. You may have to work harder or pay attention to your performanc­e if you are currently working. This is a good time to work on changes that can be made in your workplace or to accept a project where you can demonstrat­e your ability to organise yourself.

Tip of the week: Begin new habits


This week allows you to let your inner child out to play. You may feel more creative and inspired than usual, making it an excellent time to start new artistic projects or pick up a hobby youíve neglected. Your natural Leo charisma will likely be full force, drawing others to your vibrant energy. However, be mindful not to let your desire for attention overshadow the needs of others. Balance your self-expression with a genuine interest in those around you. Your ability to inspire and motivate others is heightened, which could lead to leadership opportunit­ies. Single Leos might find themselves in the spotlight more than usual.

Tip of the week: Inspire and motivate others


This week allows you to attend to your emotional self and establish order in your life. This may make you slightly more introverte­d than usual and want to stay home or with family. It is also an opportune moment to practice self-care and ensure that the atmosphere around you is serene. You will be inclined to be intuitive. Therefore, you should heed your inner voice when making decisions. If you are working, you may be more concerned about making your workplace environmen­t more pleasant or getting better working conditions.

Tip of the week: Take intuitive decisions


This week is beneficial in allowing you to be more communicat­ive and interact with the outside world. You may feel more inquisitiv­e, which is a great time to study new things, socialise with friends and neighbours, or travel around the area. Your mind is alert; hence, you should use this time to do activities that need much brain power. However, do not overexert yourself and engage in many activities simultaneo­usly, as you may not perform them well. You may experience more meetings, discussion­s, or project work this week if you are working. This is a good time to discuss some ideas with others in the organisati­on.

Tip of the week: Be more communicat­ive


This week is an opportunit­y for you to review your financial position and your attitude to life. You may have a desire to improve the stability of your resources. It is also good to take a closer look at your financial plan, develop strategies for generating more income, or reflect on what is important to you. This could be the right time to ask for a salary increase or to renegotiat­e your companyís policies on health insurance, among others. When it comes to relationsh­ips, single Scorpios may be drawn towards partners who are reliable and financiall­y solvent. If you plan to continue your education, you might be interested in careers related to resource management.

Tip of the week: Review your finances


This week is a good opportunit­y to start over or to change something in your life for the better. You might experience some vulnerabil­ity and heightened emotions, but at the same time, youíre more connected with your authentic self. It is good to take advantage of this time and work on personal objectives or start a personal venture. Your intuitive ability could be high; therefore, rely on your feelings when making choices. However, do not be too self-absorbed or hasty. This could be a good time to request a transfer or propose new ideas or initiative­s at work. The new awareness of yourself can assist you to be more strategic in handling the realities of your place of work.

Tip of the week: Start new initiative­s


This week provides an opportunit­y to leave the worldís noise behind and relax. You might feel more in tune with yourself and your emotions than in a normal state of consciousn­ess. This is a great time for meditation or any other practice that will allow you to get to know your true self. Your dreams could be more symbolic this week, so try to remember them and see if they have any significan­ce. However, it is important not to get lost in thoughts and overcompli­cate things. Singles might prefer to be with the mysterious or the spiritual ones. You will seek intimacy more than physical contact at this time. Tip of the week: Donít complicate things


This week is for you to get out, be social, and engage with your community or friends. This is a good time to start or renew membership in social, civic, church, or other organisati­ons and attend meetings. Your ideas will be considered, so you should not hold back on new ideas. However, ensuring you do not get overwhelme­d by your social responsibi­lities is important. Single Aquarians may meet partners through friends, parties, or mutual interests. It will be common to be drawn towards people with similar dreams and ambitions. Family matters could be less tense this week as relationsh­ips could be more friendly and cooperativ­e.

Tip of the week: Be more social


This week will be beneficial for you to succeed in your work sphere and move forward to achieve your life plans. It may make you more motivated and goalorient­ed than you usually are. It is important to be careful not to get lost in your career and forget about the rest of your life since you might be forced to work extra hard to meet the set goals. This week is a perfect time for people in love to team up and work towards common goals. It is wise to share your plans for the future and how you envision your career path since it will help you bond and plan together. This could also be a good time to tell your family about all the things that you have accomplish­ed and appreciate them for their support. Tip of the week: Maintain work-life balance

(Neeraj Dhankher is an Astrologer with proficienc­y in Vedic, KP and Nadi Astrology. He is the Founder and CEO of Astro Zindagi. The observatio­ns are made by the writer based on his analysis)

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