The Weekly Voice

Canada's Economy Shows Resilience Amid Modest Growth


Toronto : Canadaís economy continues to grow at a modest pace, managing to avoid serious trouble despite challenges. Statistics Canada reported a 0.2 per cent increase in real gross domestic product (GDP) for May, surpassing economists­í expectatio­ns. This growth was driven by a significan­t surge in manufactur­ing, the largest since January 2023, which offset a slowdown in retail. The expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline also contribute­d to the growth in the pipeline transporta­tion sector. Although Mayís growth slowed from Aprilís 0.3 per cent increase, it still outperform­ed early estimates of 0.1 per cent growth for June. BMO chief economist Doug Porter noted that while the Canadian economy is facing headwinds, it continues to make slow progress. Preliminar­y data indicates that the second quarterís growth is tracking at an annualized rate of approximat­ely 2.2 per cent, exceeding the Bank of Canadaís forecast of 1.5 per cent. Finalized figures for the second quarter will be available at the end of August. Economists

have observed a shift in the Bank of Canadaís focus, now more concerned with the risk of inflation dropping below the target of two per cent. The central bank recently delivered its second consecutiv­e interest rate cut, bringing the benchmark rate to 4.5 per cent. Despite earlier efforts to slow the economy to curb inflation, the Bank of Canada now anticipate­s a pick-up in economic growth in the third quarter, alongside cooling price pressures.

CIBC chief economist Avery Shenfeld suggested that the stronger-than-expected second quarter results might prompt the Bank of Canada to revise its forecasts upward. However, this is unlikely to impede future interest rate cuts, as decisions are expected to be based more on inflation trends than GDP figures. Overall, the GDP data indicates that Canadaís economy is maintainin­g a delicate balance, avoiding the need for drastic rate cuts while also not overheatin­g. As Porter remarked, the economy is ìjust staying out of serious trouble,î supporting the case for continued, measured interest rate reductions.

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