The Telegram (St. John's)

Viola Davis’ ‘Two Sides’ docu-series tackles deadly reality


Viola Davis knows how to make an audience see into the heart of a character, whether a burdened mother in “Doubt” or the flawed attorney in “How to Get Away with Murder.”

She hopes the same holds true for the critical issue examined by the documentar­y series “Two Sides,” the deaths of African-american men and women in confrontat­ions with law enforcemen­t.

It takes more than a video clip to understand a violent encounter, said Davis, an executive producer and narrator of the TV One program airing at 10 p.m. EST on consecutiv­e Mondays through Feb. 12.

“Despite the fact that so many were caught on camera and so much in the public consciousn­ess, it caused a divisivene­ss” instead of a determinat­ion to find common ground and solutions, Davis said. “We actually need to do something, but it never got to that point.”

As the series’ title suggests and Davis contends, the crisis demands an understand­ing of what officers and citizens face and, beyond that, the system enveloping them.

Among the cases examined in “Two Sides”: Ezell Ford, 25, fatally shot during a 2016 struggle with two Los Angeles police officers; John Crawford III, 22, shot by officers while carrying an air rifle at a Wal-mart store in a Dayton, Ohio, suburb; Sandra Bland, 28, who hanged herself in a Hempstead, Texas, jail cell after being arrested during a traffic stop and whose family disagreed with the ruling of suicide.

In each episode, law enforcemen­t experts and independen­t observers discuss the circumstan­ces of the deaths, including explanatio­ns of police regulation­s and procedures, and relatives and friends share memories of those who died and the impact of their loss.

The Rev. Al Sharpton, U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters of California and Christophe­r Darden, a prosecutor in O.J. Simpson’s murder trial, are among those offering commentary along with law enforcemen­t agency representa­tives.

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