The Telegram (St. John's)

William’s Harbour relocation moving ahead


The relocation of residents in the southern Labrador community of William’s Harbour is official.

A news release issued by the provincial government Tuesday indicated one hundred per cent of the community residents who are eligible to relocate have taken the formal steps to do so, surpassing the 90-per-cent threshold required.

The province can now take title to permanent residentia­l and commercial properties and advance payments to residents.

The relocation is being undertaken under the previous policy as the process began before the procedure was updated in last November.

“The community relocation policy exists so that the provincial government can offer financial assistance to a community in which 90 per cent or more of its residents express a desire to relocate,” Municipal Affairs and Environmen­t Minister Eddie Joyce said.

“We have worked for some time with the residents of William’s Harbour on this process and are pleased to see it moving forward.”

The relocation will cost the provincial government approximat­ely $4 million, but result in a savings of roughly $7.9 million over 20 years, the release stated.

“Leaving home is never an easy thing to do, especially when it’s somewhere you’ve lived your entire life,” said Children, Seniors and Social Developmen­t Minister Lisa Dempster, who is the MHA for Cartwright-l’anse au Clair.

“With our province’s aging population and shrinking communitie­s, relocation is sometimes a reality. While I’m pleased the residents of William’s Harbour will be provided assistance, I want them to know I’m thinking about them during this transition.”

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