The Telegram (St. John's)

Hints from Heloise


Dear Heloise: We in California store water in the event of a major earthquake. My question is, How long can one STORE WATER before it becomes unpalatabl­e? — Frank P., via email

Well, Frank, the general rule is to keep tap water stored for six months, and prepackage­d, bottled water for up to a year. The water does not really “go bad,” but it’s better to be safe.

Rotate stored water regularly. You want to have enough water to equal 1 gallon per person or pet per day. It is important to store it in proper, food-grade water-storage containers, especially if it is your tap water.

Store water away from the sun or heat sources in a cool, dark place — NOT the garage! DON’T store near gasoline, kerosene or other chemicals. — Heloise CLEANING VINEGAR Dear Heloise: When I was shopping for vinegar, there was a gallon called “cleaning vinegar.” It was with the regular vinegar. I was hesitant to buy it because I use vinegar for cooking and cleaning.

What can you tell me about this “cleaning vinegar”? Is it safe to buy and cook with? — Bernie L. in Connecticu­t

Cleaning vinegar is not really that new. Regular white vinegar is 5 percent acetic acid, where some of the “cleaning vinegars” are 6 percent acetic acid. So, you are paying for only 1 percent more acidity of the vinegar. What I would do is buy one of each and compare them to see if it’s worth paying a little more.

It is safe to cook with, but remember, it’s a little stronger. You know I love vinegar, and that’s why I wrote my Heloise’s Fantabulou­s Vinegar Hints and More pamphlet to share the many money-saving uses.

To order one, please send $5 and a long, self-addressed, stamped (70 cents) envelope to: Heloise/Vinegar, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. Boiling potatoes? Add a teaspoon of vinegar to the water to keep them white. — Heloise

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