The Standard (St. Catharines)

Biden moves forward without help

Standoff with Trump means president-elect is missing key resources


WASHINGTON — The White House race was in limbo in 2000 when outgoing president Bill Clinton decided to let thenGov. George W. Bush read the ultrasecre­t daily brief of the nation’s most sensitive intelligen­ce.

Clinton was a Democrat and his vice-president, Al Gore, was running against Republican Bush. Gore had been reading the president’s Daily Brief for eight years; Clinton decided to bring Bush into the fold in case he won — and he did.

President Donald Trump has not followed Clinton’s lead. As Trump contests this year’s election results, Trump has not authorized president-elect Joe Biden to lay eyes on the brief.

National security and intelligen­ce experts hope Trump changes his mind, citing the need for an incoming president to be fully prepared to confront any national security issues on Day One.

“Our adversarie­s aren’t waiting for the transition to take place,” says former Michigan Republican Rep. Mike Rogers, who was chair of the House Intelligen­ce Committee. “Joe Biden should receive the president’s Daily Brief starting today. He needs to know what the latest threats are and begin to plan accordingl­y. This isn’t about politics. This is about national security.”

U.S. adversarie­s can take advantage of the country during an American presidenti­al transition and key foreign issues will be bearing down on Biden the moment he steps into the Oval Office in January.

For example, unless Trump extends or negotiates a new nuclear arms accord with Russia before Inaugurati­on Day, Biden will have only 16 days to act before the expiration of the last remaining treaty reining in the world’s two largest nuclear arsenals. Perhaps U.S. spies have picked up tidbits about the Russians’ red lines in the negotiatio­ns or about weapons it really wants to keep out of the treaty.

That’s the type of informatio­n that might be in the daily summary of high-level, classified informatio­n and analysis on national security issues that’s been offered to presidents since 1946. It is co-ordinated and delivered by the Office of the National Intelligen­ce Director with input from the CIA and other agencies. It is tailored for each president, depending on whether the president prefers oral or written briefs or both, short summaries or long reports on paper or electronic­ally.

Having access to it also could help Biden craft a possible response to North Korea, which has a history of firing off missiles or conducting nuclear tests shortly before or after a new president takes office.

Biden, a former vice-president, has decades of experience in foreign affairs and national security. But he probably has not been privy to the latest details about how Iran is back to enriching uranium or the active cyber attack operations of Russia, China and Iran. China’s crackdown on Hong Kong is heating up. The threat from Islamic extremists, although curbed, still remains.

Biden is trying to play down the significan­ce of the delay in getting access to the PDB.

“Obviously the PDB would be useful but, it’s not necessary. I’m not the sitting president now,” Biden said Tuesday.

He was also asked about needing access to classified informatio­n as soon as possible if Trump doesn’t concede.

“Look, access to classified informatio­n is useful. But I’m not in a position to make any decisions on those issues anyway,” he said. “As I said, one president at a time. He will be president until Jan. 20. It would be nice to have it, but it’s not critical.”

Biden is familiar with the PDB, having read it during his eight years as vice-president. But threats are ever-changing and as Inaugurati­on Day nears, his need for Trump to let him get eyes on the intelligen­ce brief will become more critical.

Sen. James Lankford predicted the issue of whether Biden gets access to the intelligen­ce brief will be resolved soon.

“I’ve already started engaging in this area. … And if that’s not occurring by Friday, I will step in and push and say this needs to occur so that regardless of the outcome of the election, whichever way that it goes, people can be ready for that actual task,” Lankford told KRMG in Tulsa, Okla., on Wednesday.

While the Bush team had access to the intelligen­ce brief in 2000, an election recount delayed the Bush team’s access to government agencies and resources for more than five weeks. Biden is missing out on all counts: More than a week into his transition, Biden doesn’t have access to the PDB, the agencies or government resources to help him get ready to take charge.

“President-elect Joe Biden and his transition team should not suffer a similar delay,” John Podesta, who served as White House Chief of staff under Clinton, and Bush’s chief of staff Andrew Card wrote this week in The Washington Post.

“We have since learned the serious costs of a delayed transition,” they wrote. “Less than eight months after Bush’s inaugurati­on, two planes flew into the World Trade Center, killing nearly 3,000 Americans.”

 ?? SAMUEL CORUM GETTY IMAGES ?? House Minority Leader Kevin Mccarthy leaves a meeting Thursday with Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer over the election results.
SAMUEL CORUM GETTY IMAGES House Minority Leader Kevin Mccarthy leaves a meeting Thursday with Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer over the election results.

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