The Standard (St. Catharines)

Wasting political capital



In a previous letter I made the following suggestion to Premier Doug Ford:

“Ford would be well advised to exhibit a little humility, following the wise words of another political Ford, the 38th president to the U.S. Gerald Ford said, on ascending the presidency, ‘I am a Ford, not a Lincoln.’

Dougie, you too are just a Ford. Unfortunat­ely you appear to be a Pinto. Danger lurks in your rear-view mirror.”

The premier ignored this advice and has been a profligate spender of his political capital. The questionab­le appointmen­t of Ron Taverner to lead the OPP, Taverner’s purchase of a Ford aide’s home and the questionab­le “off-the-books, sole source” purchase of a premier-approved custom camper van may prove to lessen the esteem the provincial Progressiv­e Conservati­ve Party holds for him. These events are scandals, not policy issues as those which prompted Theresa May’s no confidence vote from her caucus over Brexit.

As I indicated before, a premier’s shelflife is dependant on the party’s perception of his or her liability factor.

The irony here is that if Ford is indeed a Pinto and that danger lurks in his rearview mirror, then he may just be too late to avoid being rear-ended by a Ford Probe. Henry Kurki St. Catharines

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