The Standard (St. Catharines)

Damage from Hurricane Doug not predictabl­e

- SYLVIA BASHEVKIN Sylvia Bashevkin teaches political science at the University of Toronto.

Premier Doug Ford was only sworn into office on June 29, but already he’s embarked on a series of actions that presage a major tropical storm for Ontario.

Having analyzed the fallout from the province’s last right-wing government, I expect the damage wrought by Hurricane Doug will be particular­ly harsh for two specific and often intersecti­ng constituen­cies: urban progressiv­es and women.

Let’s consider Mike Harris’s track record as leader of two consecutiv­e PC majority government­s. Elected in 1995, Harris-era Conservati­ves endorsed lower taxes and cost-cutting in their calls for “less government,” “fewer politician­s,” and “less overlap and duplicatio­n.” The Tory platform promised to “spend more efficientl­y” because, in Harris’s words, the party would trim “a lot of fat, a lot of waste.”

Arguably the most consequent­ial decision of the Harris years for Canada’s largest city was sharp, rushed and unexpected. The move announced in December 1996 to eliminate borough and metropolit­an government in Toronto rejected the recommenda­tions of at least two expert reports, including one produced by a panel the PCs commission­ed. Harris’s government also ignored the results of a 1997 referendum on amalgamati­on in which 76 per cent of Toronto voters opposed the megacity.

Doug Ford’s proposal to create a Toronto city council with 25 members echoes Harris’s record of reducing elected urban representa­tives from more than 100 before amalgamati­on to 44 by 2000. It is also entirely consistent with the PC mantra dating from 1995 that streamlini­ng and efficiency trump democratic deliberati­on.

The implicatio­ns of that approach remain far-reaching. Not only did the Harris PCs dramatical­ly reduce welfare benefits, weaken rent controls and chop education funding in the name of cutting costs, but they also downloaded responsibi­lity for child care, social housing and transit onto fiscally-strapped municipali­ties.

By empowering conservati­ve suburban voices (like those of Mel Lastman and the Fords) at city hall under the megacity scheme, Harris’s strategy flattened the hose that carried funds for social programs at the same time as it limited chances for competing perspectiv­es to challenge the Tory maelstrom.

In a 2006 book called “Tales of Two Cities,” I assessed divergent urban restructur­ing directions in London, U.K., and Toronto. Britain’s New Labour government of 1997 restored municipal decisionma­king in London after it had been shut down in the Thatcher years. The early consequenc­es of renewing local control included measurable growth in the numbers of women from diverse background­s in senior municipal positions and the release of a city plan that considers how spatial developmen­t shapes the employment, child care and housing opportunit­ies of Londoners.

Starkly different results emerged in Toronto. From holding two of the six mayoral posts on the old Metro Council, women disappeare­d as executive decisionma­kers in Canada’s largest city. From about a quarter of borough council and a third of Metro Council seats in 1996, proportion­s of elected women tended to stagnate or decline.

As of 2018, the representa­tion of women on Toronto City Council is lower than in the last Metro Council of 22 years ago. The spatial plan governing amalgamate­d Toronto stresses nodes for highrise developmen­t and fails to consider how working women, new arrivals to the city or any other group of citizens might experience an increasing­ly dense and tense urban landscape. Similar to the late 1990s, progressiv­e critics of the Ford government will find fighting back is difficult when the game is stacked to silence their voices.

It is already hard for local candidates — notably women from diverse ethnocultu­ral and sexual orientatio­n background­s — to win elections when we have an orderly, predictabl­e system in place. Imagine trying to mount a campaign when chaos is intentiona­lly created by a provincial government with nearly carte-blanche constituti­onal powers. Hurricane Doug begins with a simple, brazen focus on streamlini­ng debate out of the political calculus. Urban citizens with a democratic vision live in the eye of a very dangerous storm.

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