The Standard (St. Catharines)

Science explains how LeBron stays a step ahead


Much as his brute-strength shoulders and legs define LeBron James, it’s the stuff in his head that elevates him. If James has shown nothing else as the Cleveland Cavaliers struggle through the Eastern Conference finals, it’s the quality of his mind. What would a cellular analysis of his brain show? Maybe a flock of starlings.

There isn’t much reason to stay interested in an 0-2 series in which the Cavs have been borderline uncompetit­ive against the Boston Celtics in the fourth quarter, but it’s worth watching to the end if only to see whether James will pull off one of his memory tricks. His amazing recall has led to more than one comeback and is at least as much of a force as the form that produced 42 points, 12 assists and 10 rebounds in Game 2. Try a viewing experiment the next time James takes the court: analyze his head, and not his body. Watch him scan the game and store it upstairs.

Much has been made of James’ show-offy display of memory in his postgame analysis of Game 1. Replay it and notice not just the accuracy but the detail: In narrating six sequences in proper order, he noted the time on the shot clock, who took each shot and missed what, where the ball was inbounded from, and Jayson Tatum’s use of a Euro-step and right hand on a layup. When he was done, listeners broke into applause.

I ran James’ feat past some noted neuroscien­tists to see if it impressed them as much as it did the rest of us. “Fascinatin­g,” said Jocelyn Faubert, research chair in visual perception at the University of Montreal. “Quite beautiful, really,” said Andre Fenton, professor of neuroscien­ce at New York University. “It’s remarkable,” said Zach Hambrick, a cognition-performanc­e expert at Michigan State. “But not surprising.”

It’s not surprising because researcher­s are seeing an ever more articulate connection between cognitive science and human performanc­e.

“This is one of the bedrock findings in research on human expertise: that experts have superior memory for informatio­n within their domain,” Hambrick said.

Human performanc­e studies have shown that what seems to be “photograph­ic memory” is really extrapolat­ion based on habitworn paths of knowledge, the vestiges and traces left in the brain by experience.

In a famous study of chess players by Adriaan de Groot in the 1960s, pieces were shown on a board for five seconds and then removed. The players were asked to recall what they had seen. Novices remembered only weakly. The more expert the player, the more pieces they could recall, and which piece was where.

“Grand masters could recall everything,” Florida State performanc­e researcher K. Anders Ericsson said.

But that’s not all. Masters of games don’t just build static memories, but show a remarkable ability to intuit. James’ anticipati­on is inseparabl­e from his memory.

Think about the processes involved as James scans the court while moving down the floor. The optic nerves absorb and transmit small peripheral details, then shift to a sudden zoom focus as he throws a glancing no-look bounce pass that hits Kevin Love in the hands in midstride. Then his attention broadens again stereoscop­ically to capture the whole floor. The cognitive flexibilit­y to go in and out of those states fluidly, is highly learned. And yet little short of magic.

“To manage all those systems, that is a form of intelligen­ce,” Faubert said, “and we shouldn’t be afraid to say that.”

How can James’ brain discrimina­te between multiple similar memories? Why don’t all crossover moves look as indistingu­ishable to him as spots in a parking garage? Fenton published a possible answer to this question in a paper this week in the journal Neuron. The “place” signalling by neurons is not so much a constant remapping, he suggested. It’s actually highly synchroniz­ed. Think of the neurons in James’ head as birds. Starlings. “Like a flock of starlings that takes on different formations while still maintainin­g cohesion as a flock,” Fenton said.

“He’s not recording, like a videotape,” Fenton says. “He’s not rebuilding. He doesn’t rebuild a picture of what is going on, he watches it evolve continuous­ly and fluidly, there is a flock and it’s moving down the court and everybody has a place, all these birds form a structure, and the structure is important. We call it a flock. He calls it a play.”

We all have this remarkable combinatio­n of projection and flow in our heads, to varying degrees. You have it when you drive to work or do a job on deadline.

James’ just works better than yours on a basketball court because he has spent more time mapping that space.

GETTY IMAGES ?? LeBron James

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