The Standard (St. Catharines)

Minimum wage hike doesn’t go far enough


Premier Kathleen Wynne’s decision to increase Ontario’s minimum wage to $15 an hour in 2019 will help solve some of the political challenges her government faces leading up to the next election, but it’s not enough to solve the problem of chronic poverty in this province. For those who depend on minimum-wage employment, the increase does not match some of the “living wage” calculatio­ns developed by several social service agencies.

Wynne understand­s that. Earlier this year she told a CBC reporter that sharply raising the minimum from its current $11.40 level wasn’t the answer. She defended a plan to boost the wage at the annual rate of inflation, saying that method “actually depolitici­zes the increases.” So what changed?

Politics. The NDP’s Andrea Horwath has been committed to $15 for over a year, while the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves’ Patrick Brown has been hesitant to take a stand. By promising a $15 minimum wage, Wynne is able steal Horwath’s thunder while making Brown look like Scrooge.

But there’s a problem. Wynne’s wage hike doesn’t do a complete job. It will help alleviate poverty for some Ontario residents but not for all minimum-wage workers. For some, hours will be cut as small business operators are faced with rising labour costs.

The higher wage for 2019 doesn’t match some of the jurisdicti­on-specific “living wage” numbers developed by various social agencies. The St. Thomas-Elgin YWCA determined this week that a new living wage for its community is $16.03 an hour – enough for a family of four (two parents and two young children) to have basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter met. The agency’s determinat­ion was based on a family income with both parents working full time.

There are other ways to stretch a minimum-wage dollar, but they’re not as politicall­y captivatin­g for the Liberals. Lower consumptio­n taxes would help. Those who live on the fringes are held hostage to such taxes, and likely suffered the most when Ontario harmonized its sales tax to produce the 13 per cent HST.

The Liberals, first with Dalton McGuinty and now with Wynne, have been masters at raising taxes and making Ontario more expensive for families. Electricit­y costs have soared, and the Liberals’ carbon tax has only added to the burden — a burden felt most keenly by the estimated 1.6 million Ontario workers who earn less than $15 an hour.

Wynne’s solution is a quick political fix and nothing more. Her government needs to take a far more thoughtful approach to the economic challenges that afflict the most vulnerable of Ontario’s workforce. — Peter Epp

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