The Province

Pro-Ukraine Russians take fight to Putin

Two volunteer battalions launch daring strike across border into Russia


Russian volunteers fighting for Ukraine drove tanks and armoured vehicles across the border into Russia, “capturing” a number of villages and declaring a new republic.

The daring cross-border assault appeared to be the most significan­t effort by Ukraine-backed forces to bring the war to Russian soil.

The raid was carried out by anti-Kremlin fighters from the so-called Russian Freedom Legion (RFL) and Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK), which both claim to be in the ranks of Kyiv's legion of foreign fighters.

A spokesman for Ukraine's military intelligen­ce said the two volunteer battalions crossed into the Belgorod region to “create a security zone” to protect Ukrainian civilians from Russian attacks.

Russian officials claimed that the “Ukrainian forces” had captured at least four settlement­s near the frontier amid reports of heavy fighting in the area.

Footage shared on social media appeared to show at least one tank and multiple armoured vehicles with Ukrainian tactical markings approachin­g the Grayvoron border-control post that had been damaged by earlier shelling.

It was claimed artillery and mortar fire had been used to pummel the position as the volunteer battalions made their advance.

The nearby villages of Kozinka, Glotove and Gora-Podil were also reportedly seized by the Ukrainian-backed forces.

In a social-media taunt, Ukrainian sources shared an image of three soldiers proclaimin­g a new “Belgorod's People's Republic.”

Earlier, the Baza Telegram channel, which has links to Russia's security services, published drone footage showing Ukrainian vehicles advancing on the checkpoint.

As the fighting erupted, the RDK confirmed its troops had crossed the border and called on residents in the Russian frontier regions to stay at home and “not to resist.”

Meanwhile, the RFL published a video on its Telegram channel calling on Russians to rise up and defeat Vladimir Putin.

“The time has come to put an end to the Kremlin dictatorsh­ip,” a spokesman said. “Be brave and have no fear because we are coming home.”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Putin had been briefed on the incursion.

 ?? TWITTER ?? Ukrainian sources shared an image of three soldiers proclaimin­g a new “Belgorod's People's Republic” after anti-Kremlin Russian volunteers launched a raid across the border into Russia.
TWITTER Ukrainian sources shared an image of three soldiers proclaimin­g a new “Belgorod's People's Republic” after anti-Kremlin Russian volunteers launched a raid across the border into Russia.

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