The Province


- GEORGIA NICOLS georgianic­

Aries | (March 21-April 19)

For starters, Mercury retrograde will attract relatives that you haven’t seen for a while back into your world. (As we speak. they might be camped on your doorstep and eating out of your fridge.) A positive way to use this retrograde energy is to tackle home repairs that you’ve been putting off. Now is the time to strike! (Put those relatives to work!) Privately, you feel a driving energy to discover your focus about something. You need to know what you want. You need to know where you want to go. You have been very powerful in calling the shots so far, but what’s next? You feel a growing, compelling feeling that’s hard to define.

TAurus |

(April 20-May 20)

I can’t sugar-coat it. This Mercury retrograde will hit you because it is occurring in its “own home” in your chart. This means the very things that Mercury rules are the things that will go haywire for you! Expect problems with cars, trucks and bikes. Missed buses. Transporta­tion delays. Conversati­ons with others will be convoluted and misunderst­ood. Messages will be mixed up. You will be late for appointmen­ts or waiting at the wrong place. Mail will be late and of course, siblings and relatives you haven’t seen for a while will be back in your world. However, you will be super effective dealing with groups this week. You will be a veritable powerhouse helping everyone (including yourself ) meet your goals.

GeMini | (May 21-June 20)

Naturally, you feel every Mercury retrograde because Mercury is your ruler! This particular Mercury retrograde is occurring in your House of Earnings and Possession­s. This means cheques in the mail will be late. There might be confusion or errors regarding finances and transactio­ns. Therefore, check your bill or an invoice. Count your change. Never assume that the other person is correct if you’re dealing with money. Likewise, you might find it difficult to find possession­s and you might even misplace or lose something that you own. (It’s also possible to find something that you lost before.) Meanwhile, back at the ranch, your ambition is fired up! You’ve decided to go for the gold and nothing is gonna stop you. It’s time!

Whoa Nellie! Mercury retrograde is taking place in your sign. You can run but you can’t hide. One thing is certain, you will encounter old friends and ex-partners from your past. However, you will also be frustrated by mixed-up communicat­ions with others, misplaced items, silly errors, delays and missed appointmen­ts. Just cope as best you can because it’s only for a few weeks. Meanwhile, you are fired up about a cause, especially if it affects people in another country or people far way. You have strong ideas now about politics and religion and you’re ready to act on them. Some of you are just as determined to push through your ideas regarding publishing, the media, the law or something to do with medicine. You’re a force to contend with!

CAnCer | (June 21-July 22) Leo | (July 23-Aug. 22)

This week you are fired up about dealing with shared property, taxes, debt and inheritanc­es. You want to get things right. You’re determined to shape things the way you want them to go. Your urge to do something might also relate to your partner’s assets or wealth. Your ideas are so strong, you will do something. Incidental­ly, this strong energy can also express itself sexually! (Woot!) Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde will actually help you to do research because it will stir up all kinds of ideas and informatio­n from your past. This will be helpful if you are studying something. You might also come across some juicy gossip.

This particular Mercury retrograde will put you in touch with friends you haven’t seen for a while. You might also find yourself involved in a group, club or associatio­n in which you used to be more active. Or perhaps you will run into people from these groups? People from the past are definitely in the picture now. It could even trigger thoughts about resurrecti­ng an old goal? Meanwhile, use diplomacy and patience when dealing with partners and close friends this week because if you don’t, things will get nasty. Because someone close to you is charged up with energy, this will require patience and finesse on your part. Hey, who has more finesse than you?

VirGo | (Aug. 23-sept. 22) LibrA | (sept. 23-oct. 22)

Mercury retrograde will attract people to you from your past who were authority figures. Perhaps even a parent? An old boss? Someone older who you respected? It might even attract an opportunit­y for you to pursue a new angle in your career that you had once thought about but dropped. Maybe it’s time for a second kick at the can? Meanwhile, when it comes to work and getting a job done, you are PowerPoint on steroids this week. Nothing will stop you! You have specific goals you want to achieve and you intend to do so. This vehement ambition will also apply to your health. Suddenly, you want to be the best you can be!

sCorpio |

(oct. 23-nov. 21)

This particular Mercury retrograde will create travel delays for you. It will also create delays in schooling, especially post-secondary schooling

— colleges, universiti­es, special courses and technical schools. Likewise, errors and snafus regarding publishing and the media might dog your steps along with delays and errors in the law or medicine. Yikes! Double check everything. Meanwhile, when it comes to creative activities and sports you will be super gung ho! Something has lit a fire under you and you are excited to achieve something in the arts or sports or working or relating with kids. This same intense energy will apply to a love affair.

sAGiTTAriu­s | (nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You will suffer from delays and mix-ups and even mistakes in issues related to shared finances, shared property, inheritanc­es, taxes, debt and insurance issues. Bummer! You can help a lot by double checking any kind of transactio­n related to these areas. The good news is that you can also wrap up old business in these areas and your ability to finish old business will be easy and swift! Meanwhile, something must be lighting a fire under you because you are determined to make big changes at home. Certainly, something is causing a lot of change and chaos. This could be a residentia­l move. It could

be a renovation or a major repair. Admittedly, it can also be family tension. Whatever it is, it ain’t minor. If you use it skilfully, you will get a lot done. “Let’s just move the house.”

CApriCorn | (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This particular Mercury retrograde will definitely put you in touch with ex-partners, ex-spouses and old friends from your past. Therefore, when you go out, make an effort to look hot because living well is the best revenge. On the upside, this might provide a lovely opportunit­y for closure that you need. Meanwhile, this intense dance between Mars and Pluto will make all your communicat­ions with others forceful beyond belief! You will be coming on like gangbuster­s! You can use this if you need to persuade or coerce others to agree with you. You will also be a powerhouse if you are writing, teaching or acting. Neverthele­ss, go gently so you don’t frighten others.

AquArius |

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This Mercury retrograde will be a drag for you because it occurs in the part of your chart related to your job, your

health and even your relationsh­ip with your pet. For example, your pet might get lost or details related to taking care of your pet could get confused. At work, there might be equipment breakdowns, lost paperwork, late deliveries and definitely mixed-up messages and confused communicat­ions. Meanwhile, you are suddenly driven to find a new income stream, a new job or to find a new and better use for something that you already own. Ideas?

pisCes |

(Feb. 19-March 20)

You will be incredibly powerful this week because the dance of Mars and Pluto takes place while Mars is in your sign. In fact, you will be coming on like gangbuster­s, to the point you might scare others. (“Who me?”) Yes, you! You will have a strong drive to move toward your goals. You want to excel at whatever you do and clean up a certain situation. You might even help to move forward a group goal, if you have the chance. Don’t miss this opportunit­y if you need to step up and make your pitch. Meanwhile, old flames are back on the scene. (What’s with that?) Oh well.

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