The Province

Water those carrots when weather is dry



The favourite vegetable in my family is carrots, but we are limiting ourselves this year mainly to vegetables requiring minimal watering. How water-needy are carrots?


I’ve been surprised how water-thrifty carrots can be, provided they’ve grown enough to form roots that reach into cool, moist soil levels by the time dry, warm weather arrives. As they are developing from freshly germinated seedlings and until their roots elongate, carrots do require very regular watering in dry weather. Sowing early, while the soil is still moist, is helpful. I aim for a March seeding.


Is it all right to prune roses in winter?


It’s best to leave shrub roses alone until late winter, usually in February when nubs of growth start to swell. For now, just cut back extra long canes that could be damaged in winter winds. Do remove any remaining leaves on all roses, though, and clean the ground under and around the plants. The old leaves can be sources of infection.

Among all the types of roses, the best candidates for winter pruning are the modern, repeat-flowering climbers.

Ramblers, which have just one period of bloom, should be pruned in early summer, after they have finished flowering.

First look for dead, damaged or diseased growth to prune away. Then, if the climbing rose is a well-establishe­d and thriving one, remove two or three of the oldest (thickest) canes at ground level.

Begin arranging the remaining canes in vase fashion, as close as possible to the horizontal, with tiers of canes evenly distribute­d over a trellis or other support on both sides of the plant’s centre. Remove any awkwardly placed or crossing growth. Once the chosen canes are arranged and tied to the support, cut away tip growth that extends beyond the support.

Finally, shorten side shoots growing from the arranged canes. Leave two or three growth buds on each shoot. This side growth will yield summer flowers.

 ??  ?? Leave bush roses alone until late winter, usually February when nubs of growth start to swell.
Leave bush roses alone until late winter, usually February when nubs of growth start to swell.
 ??  ??

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