The Province

Western red cedars shed branches

Trees renew themselves in autumn in process called ‘flagging’


Q Earlier this year I moved into a neighbourh­ood where native red cedars grow. I’ve notice recently that the trees have developed numerous brown, dry sections. Are they dying? A

Browning and shedding of three- to four-year-old branches in autumn is part of the Western red cedar’s normal life cycle. It’s how the trees renew themselves. A term for the process is “flagging.”

Dry years produce the most flagging, and the last few years have brought long, hot, dry summers. If any of the trees shed on to your property, try to clean up the droppings as soon as possible. They are messy, and tend to acidify the ground. Q

I’ve been given a package of 10 tulip bulbs to pot for spring flowers on my balcony. How large a pot do I need, and must the bulbs be planted with the same spacing as in the garden?


In pots, tulips and other bulbs can be planted as close together as possible without touching. No need for the usual garden spacing. Select a container that will accommodat­e the 10 bulbs snuggled close to each other. A 20-centimetre-wide pot will probably do.

Place the planted pot outside but under protection from fall and winter rains. I put mine against a house wall, under the roof overhang. Make sure the soil is kept at least minimally moistened over the winter. Bring the pot out into the open, in its display site, as soon as top growth starts to emerge.

Q What has caused blackened pitting in my carrots? A

Larvae of the carrot rust fly cause this damage. To prevent the flies from laying eggs in a carrot planting, keep them from accessing the plants with a floating row cover or insect netting tucked securely around the newly seeded carrot bed. The result is a crop of clean carrots. Move the carrot site each year.

 ??  ?? In pots, tulips and other bulbs can be planted as closely together as possible, without touching.
In pots, tulips and other bulbs can be planted as closely together as possible, without touching.
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