The Province





Not just here for the wine

For the fifth year in a row, Kelowna Internatio­nal Airport has had a record number of passengers come through its gates. In 2014, that number surpassed 1.6 million, which is 98,205 more than the previous year. The goal was to reach that milestone by 2016, and they did it a year early. Over 10 years, the airport has had its passenger traffic increase by 74 per cent.

“It’s a significan­t achievemen­t because as an airport you are an economic driver to the community you serve,” airport director Sam Samaddar said.



To 20 destinatio­ns

“We’re basically a commercial airport,” Samaddar said. “That’s really the biggest part of our activity and generates the most as it relates to our economy.”

Kelowna airport added several new routes in 2014, including service to Fort McMurray, charter operations serving the oilsands, an extra daily flight to Edmonton, seasonal flights to San Francisco and connection­s to Trail. Air Canada Rouge will begin service this summer to Toronto.

Samaddar said although falling oil prices have affected service to the oilsands, the lower dollar has resulted in more American visitors.



Third-busiest in B.C.

It may come as a surprise, but Kelowna has the 10th busiest airport in Canada, according to figures from 2013. Ahead of Kelowna are Toronto (Pearson), Vancouver, Calgary, Montreal (Trudeau), Edmonton, Ottawa, Halifax, Winnipeg and Victoria.

That makes it the third-busiest airport in B.C.

“When I look back to when I first started here in 1992, Penticton, Kelowna and Kamloops handled the same number of passengers,” Samaddar said. “There’s been tremendous support for the airport in this community that has allowed us to leapfrog those other airports.”



Airport generates $4.3M a year

The most recent figures, from 2010, show during that year the airport’s total direct economic impact was 2,730 jobs representi­ng $140 million in wages and $610 million in total economic output. Samaddar said a single short-haul flight operating seven days a week, 365 days a year, generates 16 person years of employment, $1 million in wages, $1.7 million in gross domestic product and has a direct annual economic output of $4.3 million.

“Each time you bring a new flight into your community, it represents an economic spinoff to the community, to the region,” Samaddar said.

3 years


Expansion for more passengers

Starting in the spring of 2015, the airport will embark on a three-year constructi­on phase. Part of the expansion will increase the “apron capacity,” adding two more gates for a total of 10.

Many of the changes will take place at the centre core of the terminal building, adding queuing space and self-service models, expanding the baggage hall and upgrading offices.

The projects are intended to help the airport keep pace with passenger growth. By 2020, Samaddar said it’s expected that two million passengers will pass through the airport each year.

 ??  ?? Kelowna Internatio­nal Airport is now the 10th busiest airport in Canada, handling more than 1.6 million passengers in 2014.
Kelowna Internatio­nal Airport is now the 10th busiest airport in Canada, handling more than 1.6 million passengers in 2014.

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