The Province

Get fit first, then pregnant

- Drs. Oz & Roizen

In the movie What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, we saw how maternal obesity can curse a grown son’s affair of the heart. A new study shows that being overweight before and during pregnancy can cause your child — as a 30-yearold — to have hypertensi­on and other problems of the heart, from abnormal heartbeat to high triglyceri­des and low HDL cholestero­l.

Seventy per cent of overweight women gain too much while pregnant, and that puts excess fat on a newborn. This kicks off the slide to obesity, type-2 diabetes and heart problems as a young adult.

We’re committed to helping women and their yet-to-be-born children enjoy a long and healthy life. So if you’re overweight and thinking about becoming pregnant, make a promise to yourself and your child: “I will get fit and shrink my waist before I get pregnant.”

To jump-start you on your road to a healthier life, here are some of our favourite tips.

1. Reduce portion size with Dr. Mike’s Shortcut to Better Nutrition: Divide your 8-inch (no larger) dinner plate into four sections. One-fourth gets whole grains, one half gets veggies and one fourth gets lean protein. No skyscraper­s!

2. Burn fat faster with Dr. Oz’s 3-Pack of Power:

Get Green tea extract EGCG. Green tea’s potent polyphenol zaps fat. Harness it with 500 milligrams a day.

3. Move more: Enjoy a morning and afternoon walk and get into chores. (Making the bed burns 12 calories; vacuuming the living room, 25.) Extra activity creates real weight loss.

4. Boost metabolism: Spice up food with chilies to burn more calories.

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