The Province

Sad sack England in tough against France


It’s another big clash today at Euro 2012, as England take on traditiona­l rivals France, in our first look at Group D. On paper, the talent-rich French side looks to be miles ahead of what some are calling the most underwhelm­ing England squad in recent memory.

England fans are hoping that team spirit, cohesion, organizati­on, and tactics can carry the day, and for that they look to coach Roy Hodgson.

When I last spoke with England assistant coach Ray Lewington, he impressed upon me what a good guy Hodgson is to work with, and that organizati­on and spirit are the very qualities he can bring to the team.

Unfortunat­ely Hodgson doesn’t have a lot of attacking options to start with.

Wayne Rooney is suspended, Jermain Defoe has only just rejoined the squad following the death of his father, while Andy Carroll is, well, Andy Carroll.

Hodgson is expected to go with the Manchester United duo up front of Ashley Young and Danny Welbeck.

Today’s second Group D contest has hosts Ukraine up against Sweden. Despite home advantage, Ukraine coach Oleg Blokhin says that his team are the underdogs in this group. Ukraine has a lively attack, and with enough options that 35-year-old captain and national hero Andriy Shevchenko will probably spend much of his time on the bench. The player to watch is speedy 22-year-old winger Andriy Yarmolenko, who for years has been dubbed the “new Sheva”.

Ukraine’s weakness is its defence, which hasn’t been helped by the loss of three of the country’s best goalkeeper­s, two to injury and one to a doping suspension. That leaves Shakhtar Donetsk star Andriy Pyatov as the man to backstop his country.

It’s interestin­g to note that while Ukraine is hosting half the competitio­n, 12 of the 14 visiting teams have chosen to make Poland their home base.

Only Sweden and France have opted to stay in Ukraine. England for example are in the Polish city of Krakow, and fly two hours each way to play in Kyiv and Donetsk!

Bob Lenarduzzi is president of the Vancouver Whitecaps FC. For informatio­n on Whitecaps FC summer camps visit www. whitecapsf­ or call 778-3301354.

 ?? — REUTERS ?? England players (left-right) Andy Carroll, Steven Gerrard, Jordan Henderson and Scott Parker stretch in training Sunday.
— REUTERS England players (left-right) Andy Carroll, Steven Gerrard, Jordan Henderson and Scott Parker stretch in training Sunday.
 ?? Bob Lenarduzzi
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