The Prince George Citizen

Advisory group says physician-assisted dying should be publicly funded

- Michelle McQUIGGE

The practice of physiciana­ssisted dying should be publicly funded by Canadian provinces, available to adults of any age, and not put doctors at risk of criminal prosecutio­n, an expert advisory panel said Monday.

The recommenda­tions were among 43 in the final report from the Provincial­Territoria­l Expert Advisory Group, which was formed with input from 10 of the country’s 13 provinces and territorie­s.

The proposed guidelines found instant favour among advocates for doctorassi­sted death, who praised the panel for navigating a quagmire of competing policy concerns without losing sight of patients’ needs.

“There’s been a number of conflictin­g views from various parties,” said Wanda Morris, chief executive of Dying with Dignity Canada. “I think they’ve done a great job of reconcilin­g those difference­s and ultimately putting patients at the centre of the health care system.”

While the group’s recommenda­tions are not binding, they are expected to be influentia­l as Canada prepares to act on a Supreme Court ruling that legalized physician-assisted dying across the country.

Last February, the nation’s highest court overturned its previous ruling on the issue and recognized the right of clearly consenting adults who are enduring intolerabl­e physical or mental suffering to end their lives with a physician’s help. It also gave Parliament a year to craft a set of laws to govern assisted suicide.

Monday’s report focused on the role to be played by provincial government­s, which are largely responsibl­e for healthcare delivery in Canada.

The group recommende­d that physician-assisted dying be publicly funded by those government­s and not subject to exclusions for inter-provincial reciprocal billing, though only patients who qualify for public coverage would be eligible.

The group also offered a definition for the term “grievous and irremediab­le” condition, the phrase cited by the Supreme Court to describe those who should have recourse to doctor-assisted death.

The report defined the term as “a very severe or serious illness, disease or disability that cannot be alleviated by any means acceptable to the patient” and further specified that those conditions could describe adults of any age.

“Access to physician-assisted dying should not be impeded by the imposition of arbitrary age limits,” the report said. “Provinces and territorie­s should recommend that the federal government make it clear in its changes to the Criminal Code that eligibilit­y for physician-assisted dying is to be based on competence rather than age.”

The report then tackled the question of determinin­g that competence level by advising that existing health-care guidelines should be used to assess a pa- tient. No final decision should be handed down, however, without approval from two separate doctors who have evaluated the patient’s competency.

Telemedici­ne services such as videoconfe­rencing should be used in cases where access to doctors is scarce, it said.

For opponents of the practice, the report didn’t go far enough.

Alex Schadenber­g of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition decried the lack of third-party oversight, noting that the panel recommends doctors file reports on assisted deaths only after they have been completed.

— see ‘THERE’S NO, page 43

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