The Peterborough Examiner

Cobourg police board extends contract of chief Paul VandeGraaf

Leadership called instrument­al in maintainin­g a safe, secure community


The Cobourg Police Service Board said Monday it is renewing the contract of police chief Paul VandeGraaf’s until 2029.

In a release posted to social media by the municipali­ty, it stated that after careful considerat­ion, the board unanimousl­y agreed to extend his tenure, recognizin­g his exceptiona­l leadership and commitment to our community.

“Paul has demonstrat­ed innovative leadership during his tenure, and we have enjoyed a collaborat­ive relationsh­ip between the board and the service because of it,” stated board chair Ron Kerr.

“As we look ahead to key projects such as a new facility, strategic planning, and succession planning, we will count on Paul’s experience and expertise. We are confident that his continued guidance will further enhance our police service and benefit our community.”

The board agreed that VandeGraaf has fostered strong partnershi­ps with community organizati­ons, local businesses, and other law enforcemen­t agencies.

“The collaborat­ive approach has strengthen­ed public safety and trust,” the statement reads. “Chief VandeGraaf has championed innovative strategies and initiative­s, such as tiered policing, mental health response, and technology adoption. These initiative­s have positively impacted our residents’ safety and well-being.”

It stated that the chief’s leadership has been instrument­al in maintainin­g a safe and secure environmen­t throughout the pandemic and as the community continues to face challenges such as homelessne­ss, addictions, and mental health crises.

VandGraaf said he was honoured to have the board’s trust.

“Renewing my contract will allow me to tackle some outstandin­g initiative­s and projects, such as implementi­ng the new Comprehens­ive Ontario Police Services Act, enhancing digital evidence management and road safety strategies, and developing internal intelligen­ce dashboards. Together with our dedicated membership and the governance of the board, we will strive for excellence and uphold the highest standards of policing.”

The move comes as countywide discussion­s continue regarding the future of policing for the region, including the possibilit­y of a combined service for the county. As well, the town is looking at possibilit­ies around a new police station for the municipali­ty.

 ?? BILL HODGINS METROLAND ?? Cobourg police chief Paul VandeGraaf waves to the crowd during this year’s Canada Day parade. The Cobourg Police Service Board is renewing his contract until 2029.
BILL HODGINS METROLAND Cobourg police chief Paul VandeGraaf waves to the crowd during this year’s Canada Day parade. The Cobourg Police Service Board is renewing his contract until 2029.

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