The Peterborough Examiner


- JACQUELINE BIGAR www.jacqueline­

IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: This year, your life seems to naturally flow in the right direction. You draw the good life and new friends. If single, you could meet someone with ease. On the other hand, you might meet several someones and enjoy the dating game. If attached, the two of you seem more connected than in the recent past. You might make a major purchase, such as a new home or another item important to your relationsh­ip. ARIES often gives you the final push to take a leap of faith!


You might be challenged to achieve as much as you would like. You have the drive and the energy to do so, if you choose. Clearly, you have a good idea of how quickly the holidays are approachin­g. Tonight: "Ho-ho-ho" errands.


You might feel more comfortabl­e maintainin­g a low-profile. You have had a lot on your mind about a key relationsh­ip. In fact, this bond keeps your mind on overdrive. Do you need to get to the bottom of a problem? Tonight: Keep it low-key and personal.


You make a mad dash wherever you are going. Your hands are full and your mind is racing. You accomplish more than a day's work before you even start some holiday shopping. Tonight: Meet up with friends for some eggnog and good times.


You love the holidays and tend to milk every moment of fun, decorating and joy from them. You might have a lot to accomplish, especially if you hold a normal job.

You willingly flow right into your Santa chores. Tonight: Baking into the wee hours.

LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22)

Defer to a relative or someone who often does not participat­e in the holidays. If this person wants to do more, let it happen. You cannot control his or her choices, but you can enjoy them. Tonight: Do not forget a card or gift for a special person who does not live near you.

VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22)

One-on-one relating takes on an emotional tone. This situation might evolve at work, where you least expected such energy. Get into the moment. Toss away restraint. Tonight: Wherever you are, make sure you are surrounded by holiday music.

LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22)

Defer to a loved one or friend who would like to play a stronger role in the preparatio­ns leading up to Christmas. While you may not agree with this person, you can relish not worrying about what he or she is handling. Tonight: Out on the town.


You might have your Christmas list, yet you are not likely to follow it. Impulse takes over and you do the work of elves. Recognize damages you might inflict on your wallet. Tonight: Head home early. Try to stay out of trouble.


You enjoy yourself at this time of year, no matter where you are or what you are doing. The holidays naturally suit you. You like letting go of the here-and-now for a short while. Tonight: Where celebratio­n can be found.


You might have a somewhat stoic attitude about the holidays, decoration­s and shopping. Do not force yourself to change your mood. A loved might not feel up to snuff and could appreciate a visit. Tonight: Meet up with a friend but make it an early night.


You draw others out naturally. Your friends depend on that ability, especially if they want to sing the blues. What you are seeing might make you very happy as you look around and notice how jovial your friends are. Tonight: At a favourite haunt.


You will feel much better about this holiday season if you maintain your budget. Of course, this decision needs to come from you. You might feel the need to return a gift that you felt was somewhat costly. Tonight: Drop in on a party or two.

BORN TODAY: Actress Sarah Rafferty (1972), N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo (1957), filmmaker Judd Apatow (1967)

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