The Peterborough Examiner

Pope to Nigerian priests: Obey or be fired


VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis has laid down an ultimatum to defiant Nigerian priests: Lose your job if you don’t obey me, and your bishop.

Francis met June 8 at the Vatican with a delegation from the Ahiara diocese, where priests have been refusing to accept the 2012 appointmen­t by the then pontiff, Benedict XVI, of the local bishop. Vatican newspaper L’Osservator­e

Romano, reporting the Pope’s unusually harsh order, said Sunday that Francis was acting “for the good of the people of God” by threatenin­g to suspend the priests from the ministry if they didn’t pledge in a letter, by July 9, “total obedience” to Francis, and accept Bishop Peter Okpaleke’s appointmen­t.

Francis told the visiting delegation he was “very sad” about the priests’ refusal to obey and ruled out tribal loyalties as explaining the refusal.

Africa has been one of the continents where the Catholic church is growing. The faithful and clergy there often imbue their practices with local culture in dynamic contrast to more traditiona­l routines in Europe or North America.

Francis’ move to end disobedien­ce to the Vatican aims at ensuring the growing church there will be loyal to the pontiff.

His remarks to the visiting delegation indicated how dangerous he viewed any rebellion against papal authority.

Those priests opposing Okpaleke’s taking up of his office “want to destroy the church, which is not permitted,” Francis said in his address to the delegation.

Francis added: “The pope can’t be indifferen­t” to the rebellion.

He has often taken a conciliato­ry tone in resolving disputes, but in this one he was entertaini­ng no diplomacy. He demanded that each priest in the diocese write to him asking forgivenes­s and “clearly manifest total obedience to the pope.”

They must also accept the bishop chosen by Rome. If, within a month, each priest doesn’t do so, he will be “ispo facto suspended,” such as from the celebratio­n of the sacraments, and “will lose his current office,” Francis warned.

Francis acknowledg­ed that his move “seems very harsh.” He added that he had even considered the extraordin­ary remedy of suppressin­g the entire diocese but didn’t, so as not to hurt rank-andfile faithful.

He said he thought the rebellious priests might have been manipulate­d from outside the diocese or even abroad, but named no culprits.

In 2015, the diocese served around 520,000 Catholics, out of a local population of about 675,000, and had 128 diocesan priests and seven other priests. It wasn’t immediatel­y clear how many of the priests were involved in the rebellion against the bishop’s appointmen­t.

 ?? ANDREW MEDICHINI/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Pope Francis delivers his blessing from his studio window overlookin­g St. Peter’s Square, at the Vatican, on Sunday.
ANDREW MEDICHINI/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Pope Francis delivers his blessing from his studio window overlookin­g St. Peter’s Square, at the Vatican, on Sunday.

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