The Peterborough Examiner

Beijing first city awarded Summer, Winter Games

Chinese capital awarded 2022 Winter Games

- STEPHEN WILSON Associated Press

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Throughout more than 120 years of Olympic history, no city has hosted both the Winter and Summer Games. Now, Beijing will be the first do it — and in the span of just 14 years.

The Chinese capital was awarded the 2022 Winter Olympics on Friday, beating Kazakh rival Almaty 44-40 in a surprising­ly close vote marred by technical problems, taking the games back to the city that hosted the summer version in 2008.

Beijing was seen by the Internatio­nal Olympic Committee as a secure, reliable choice that also offered vast commercial opportunit­ies in a new winter sports market of more than 300 million people in northern China.

“It really is a safe choice,” IOC President Thomas Bach said. “We know China will deliver on its promises.”

The IOC’s secret vote was conducted by paper ballot, after the first electronic vote experience­d technical faults with the voting tablets and was not counted. The result of the first vote was not disclosed. There was one abstention in the paper ballot.

Beijing came in to the vote as the strong favourite, despite its lack of natural snow.

Almaty had hoped to bring the Games to Central Asia for the first time, but was a lesser-known quantity and viewed as a riskier choice by IOC members.

The tight margin caught most IOC members by surprise.

Friday’s results means the Olympics will be held three times in a row in east Asia: the 2018 Winter Games in Pyeongchan­g, South Korea, the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, and 2022 in Beijing.

“With the real globalizat­ion of the world, the growing importance of Asia, not only in sports but also in all areas of life, I think it is more or less normal that we have more Olympic Games taking place in Asia,” Bach said.

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