The Peterborough Examiner

City on edge ahead of Pope’s visit

Lack of clear informatio­n bleeding confusion, anxiety in Philadelph­ia


PHILADELPH­IA — Pregnant women are calling up the mayor, concerned they won’t be able to get to the delivery room. Some businesses say they’ve been told to close for a three-day weekend. Others are bringing in cots for workers to sleep. Taxi drivers, fearing onerous checkpoint­s and distant drop-off locations, are planning to stay home.

With official informatio­n scant just eight weeks before Pope Francis makes Philadelph­ia the centrepiec­e of his U.S. trip, rumours are swirling about massive security fencing and kilometres of street closures.

Residents and visitors alike fear long walks to and from papal events, too-few bathrooms, and a dearth of food and other amenities in areas where delivery trucks could be restricted.

The lack of clear informatio­n is breeding confusion and consternat­ion in the City of Brotherly Love and contempt for the people who run it — particular­ly around the downtown parkway where Francis is expected to attend an outdoor concert and celebrate Mass before more than one million people.

“There are serious logistical problems for residents and visitors alike,” said Barbara Epstein, who lives three blocks from the Benjamin Franklin Parkway.

“It would be nice if the powers that be could reassure us that our lives aren’t going to be disrupted in an irreconcil­able way.”

City officials are blaming the Secret Service, which has declared Francis’ Sept. 26-27 visit a National Special Security Event.

The agency said it would release road closure and security checkpoint informatio­n about three weeks before he lands — leaving the city and visit organizers vulnerable to rumours.

“Security plans are fluid and continue to evolve,” Secret Service spokesman Robert Hoback said Thursday.

“As soon as the plans have been settled on by all of the many partners involved in the planning process, we will jointly share the final plans.”

The agency said late Thursday that it is not forcing any businesses to close that weekend but instead has agents reaching out to local business owners and residents within the security zone.

Mayor Michael Nutter this week repudiated maps that popped up showing purported security and vehicle-free zones covering most of downtown, saying they were unofficial and premature.

He blamed “little people who have little pieces of informatio­n” and speculativ­e reporting for misleading the public.

Nutter, who mentioned the calls from the expectant mothers at a news conference this week, said the city would start providing updates next week.

Organizers of the World Meeting of Families — the triennial Roman Catholic conference that is attracting Francis to Philadelph­ia — said it will post a “Papal Visit Playbook” for residents to its website next month.

“We’re all eager to put the rumours to rest and put the informatio­n out there,” said World Meeting Executive Director Donna Crilley Farrell. “But as the mayor said, it has to be the correct informatio­n.”

Officials have confirmed there will be some type of security fencing — commonly used at big events like presidenti­al inaugurati­ons and Philadelph­ia’s annual Made in America concert — but the size and scope have not been disclosed.

 ?? MATT ROURKE/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? The Benjamin Franklin Parkway is seen leading to the Philadelph­ia Museum of Art, top left. On the parkway Pope Francis is scheduled to visit The World Meeting of Families’ festival and celebrate a Mass during his visit. Residents of Philadelph­ia and...
MATT ROURKE/ASSOCIATED PRESS The Benjamin Franklin Parkway is seen leading to the Philadelph­ia Museum of Art, top left. On the parkway Pope Francis is scheduled to visit The World Meeting of Families’ festival and celebrate a Mass during his visit. Residents of Philadelph­ia and...

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