The Peterborough Examiner

Utility pole set on fire


Police are looking for a group of males who lit a utility pole on fire after stealing signs from it.

It happened Wednesday at about 1 a.m., say police. The group went to the Mr. Convenienc­e store at Monaghan and Orpington roads and removed two soft drink signs attached to a utility pole.

The group left, then came back at about 1:30 a.m. and lit the pole on fire before fleeing south on Monaghan Rd. A passing motorist called the fire department and the flames were put out.

Anyone with informatio­n can call 705-876-1122 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS, www.stopcrimeh­


Peterborou­gh Police are looking for a missing 59-yearold woman who has not been seen since Monday.

Maureen Collins was last seen during the day on Monday at Dr. J’s BBQ and Brews at 282 Aylmer St., Sgt. Nancy Loucks stated in a release Friday night.

“Her whereabout­s are unknown at this time and police and family are concerned for her safety,” Loucks stated.

Collins is white, five foot six and 175 pounds with short dark hair with grey patches and a lazy eye. She wears glasses.

It’s not known what clothing she was wearing when she went missing.

Anyone knowing her whereabout­s can call city police at 705-876-1122.


LINDSAY -- Lab results received by the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit this week confirm a batch of mosquitoes collected in Lindsay on July 23 have tested positive for West Nile virus.

As a result, the health unit is urging people to fight the bite of mosquitoes that can spread West Nile virus.

“There is no good time or reason to be bitten by mosquito, and that’s especially true with this finding of West Nile virus and as we enter into the peak season for West Nile virus activity in August and September,” stated Richard Ovcharovic­h, manager of environmen­tal health with the HKPR District Health Unit.

The finding of West Nile virus in this area is not unusual. In both 2013 and 2014, West Nile virus was also detected in mosquitoes trapped by the Health Unit. Typically, the risk of West Nile virus remains in southern Ontario until the first heavy frost in the fall, Ovcharovic­h stated.


LINDSAY - Constructi­on on a $626,000 airport hangar expansion at the Kawartha Lakes Municipal Airport has been completed, creating 10 additional hangar spaces for aviators.

The 10 new T-hangars addressed an urgent need for hangar space at the Lindsaybas­ed airport and will provide opportunit­ies for aviation enthusiast­s who currently house their aircraft at other airports.

“The Lindsay Municipal Airport is a tremendous asset to the community,” stated airport manager Bob English. “We have been receiving a number of telephone and email inquiries about the airport and available space and the addition of these hangars will be a huge boost locally.”

With a primary asphalt runway of 3,500 feet and a second grass runway of 2,641 feet, the airport is operated around the clock with automated runway lighting and a self-service card-lock fuel dispensing unit.

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