The Peterborough Examiner

Baltimore rejected Rihanna concert during riots: Report


Pop superstar Rihanna cancelled plans to perform a special concert in the troubled city of Baltimore after local officials reportedly refused to issue her a permit for the gig.

The Umbrella star was in negotiatio­ns to perform in the Maryland region shortly after riots broke out there following the death of Freddie Gray, who sustained fatal injuries while in police custody in April.

E-mails obtained by the Baltimore Sun appear to show Rihanna had hoped to walk with the protesters before performing a free show, and was willing to travel to the area by train to avoid attracting too much attention.

The documents show a communicat­ion between a police officer, who had spoken to Rihanna’s team, and the head of the force’s media relations unit about the negotiatio­ns.

An excerpt reads, “(A representa­tive for Rihanna) advised that Rihanna wants to walk with the protesters as well as perform a free concert. He added that she will be arriving by plane and in an effort to divert press/media she will be travelling to the city by train (or by car if necessary) … (He) stated that they had hoped to secure some extra police security and was directed by the Governor’s office to seek assistance through Communicat­ions.”

The publicatio­n cites a “situation report” published on May 1 with revealing the outcome of the negotiatio­ns, quoting the message as saying, “Police are claiming they have no permit so it will not be allowed.”

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