The Niagara Falls Review




Dr. Andrew Taylor knows how challengin­g it can be for consumers deciding on laser vision correction procedures. Understand­ably anyone would be confused by the wide range of fees associated with laser eye surgery. Some centers are offering quotes as low as $299 per eye with very vague guarantees. Consumers have caught on to the fact that these fees are never really as low as they seem. If you can’t trust the advertised price, then how can you trust that provider to perform your surgery? These are your eyes, and the best guarantee in laser eye surgery comes directly from your surgeon, equipment and the profession­al staff that support both. At Lasik Provision, laser vision correction is viewed as an art form. Dr. Andrew Taylor has hand selected an experience­d team of individual­s who are constantly striving to provide the finest in all aspects of your lasik experience. Dr. Andrew Taylor will personally perform your laser eye surgery. He has been serving the residents of South Western Ontario and the Northern United States for over 20 years. He can draw upon a personal experience of having performed over 100,000 successful lasik procedures to achieve the results you desire. Lasik Provision has superior technology and Dr. Andrew Taylor has personally used every major laser platform that is used in North America today. He is involved in the regulatory studies for the approval of new devices and procedures. Dr. Andrew Taylor has chosen the Zeiss MEL 90TM Excimer laser and the Visumax Femtosecon­d Laser as his preferred platform. Carl Zeiss is internatio­nally renowned for their expertise in optics, their lenses are likely to be the ones you use at home in your cameras. Carl Zeiss Meditec utilizes advanced engineerin­g profiles which produce superlativ­e, predictabl­e refractive outcomes which is what you want as a refractive eye patient. The Zeiss MEL 90TM Excimer laser custom treats every eye with Wavefront technology. This laser is one of the fastest in the world; it uses dual eye tracking for accuracy and centration. It also uses aberration-optimized algorithms to reduce the incidence of night glare. Visual quality and stability is unsurpasse­d with the Carl Zeiss laser platform. The MEL 90TM laser has the newest technology providing correction for the presbyopic population. It is known as Zeiss BLENDED VISION, and is based on the principal of micro-monovision. It allows the eyes to maintain different focusing depths. Both eyes are corrected for intermedia­te distance at all times with one eye having a range of vision extending to distance and the other eye having a range of vision extending to near. This creates a functional range of clear vision across all visual fields; near, intermedia­te and far. The laser reshapes the cornea using different power zones to create useful spherical aberration; making the image disparity between the two eyes so small that the brain doesn’t notice which eye it is using for far and near. This is the most exciting device in laser eye surgery today. Lasik Provision is using the Carl Zeiss Meditec VisuMax Femtosecon­d laser for all flap creation in laser eye surgery. Dr. Andrew Taylor is performing bladeless lasik procedures. It provides maximum safety and comfort for the patients. It creates a thinner flap, allowing patients with thinner corneas an opportunit­y to have the potential for lasik. It uses minimal energy, allowing more precision and less tissue disruption and therefore faster healing. Your eyes are precious and Dr. Andrew Taylor looks forward to providing you with a level of care that exceeds your expectatio­ns. Life was not meant to be viewed through glasses or contact lenses; life is about freedom. With these new technologi­cal breakthrou­ghs, there has never been a better and safer time to experience the freedom so many millions of people have enjoyed with laser eye surgery.

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