The Niagara Falls Review


Ahmed garnered countless OFSAA medals and his success at the national and internatio­nal levels landed him a full- ride scholarshi­p at the University of Wisconsin. His local coaches expected him to one day become an Olympian, but no one expected him to qualify for the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. He might be the youngest Canadian to ever compete in the Olympic 10,000 metres.

That Ahmed exceeded expectatio­ns doesn’t surprise Stewart.

“Talented, competitiv­e, dedicated, focused, sportsmanl­ike and humble are the attributes Mo has demonstrat­ed as an athlete,” she said.

Those attributes have punched Ahmed’s ticket to London.

“It’s the opportunit­y to see the best athletes in the world in every sport,” he said.

He is looking forward to the experience.

“To even say to my kids when I’m old and grey that I competed at the Olympics against the best of the best in the world will be amazing.”

Ahmed isn’t content to consider his first Olympics as a factfindin­g mission and experience for future Games.

“What I’ve learned over the years is don’t limit yourself. Go out there with an open mind and an open heart and compete to the best of your abilities.

“I don’t put any expectatio­ns on this. I take it as an opportunit­y to grow as an athlete and something I can take to further my career.”

Whatever the result, he will proudly represent Canada.

“I always say you can’t move forward without knowing your roots. But this is pretty much the life I’ve known and I proud to say I’m a Somalian Canadian.”

A major part of his roots is his Islamic faith which he pays homage to before and after races.

“Anything good about me as an individual has been shaped by my faith,” he said. “It has grounded me. You need a guidance and you need a guide to take you through life.”

Former teammates are quick to mention his inner strength and calmness. “He appreciate­s all that Allah has blessed him with and does not take his talent for granted,” Stewart said.

Ahmed’s humble nature has inspired many to help him in his running career. He has received f i nancial and motivation­al support from the NOC and St. Catharines Collegiate communitie­s, as well as other individual­s.

He appreciate­s their past and ongoing support.

“There were a lot people in St. Catharines who were aware of my running at an early age and helped me out,” he said. “They did a lot for me; the motivation I can’t even describe.

Ahmed left for London July 21.

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