The News (New Glasgow)

Pope’s apology rings hollow


To the editor:

The editorial in The Chronicle Herald on Friday, Aug. 31, mentions that Pope Francis has liberal views of the LGBTQ+ community. History about the Pontiff clearly

indicates that he is not a friend of LGBTQ+ citizens, but speaks in conciliato­ry tones in order to fill the emptying pews in the Roman Catholic Church.

As Archbishop in Argentina, he fought the government to stop same-sex marriage calling it “the destructiv­e attempt towards God’s plan,” and “the envy of the devil.” He also rejects the adoption of children by same-sex couples, saying it denies the child a suitable environmen­t for his/ her developmen­t and emotional maturity. This has been outrightly rejected by psychiatri­sts worldwide. A few years ago he fired Vatican Official Monsignor Krystof Charasma for revealing

that he was gay.

In 2016 Pope Francis signed a declaratio­n that bans gay men from the priesthood, and this includes those who “support gay culture.” As well, he rejected the newly appointed French Ambassador to the Vatican because he was openly gay. The Italian government approved civil unions for same-sex couples. The pope immediatel­y responded that samesex unions cannot be the same as heterosexu­al unions.

Pope Francis also sided with Mexican Bishops who protested same-sex marriage proposed by the government. Two former nuns in Italy were joined in a civil union recently and the pope reacted

negatively. To say Pope Francis is a liberal towards the LGBTQ+ community is not reality. The fact he spoke with a few LGBTQ+ people recently will not alter the thinking of what he really believes.

The fact is that the pope has given no indication that he wants to change The Roman Catholic Church teaching or rules on being gay or gay relationsh­ips. The fact he apologized to the LGBTQ+ community does not prove his consent on gay life and the love it provides between two human beings, which after all is a human right. Words are meaningles­s unless followed by positive actions. Gerard Veldhoven

New Glasgow

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